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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. I must admit I knew nothing about Betty Davis music until now. After some research I don't how I missed her. That was Very creative. I really liked the tone of the wah and how immersive it was , and liked the transition around 2:19 going into the more chicken pickin vibe. Good job pulling the vocals out. Enjoyed it. mark
  2. The link now reflects changes I made. If I missed it or have further suggestions let me know. Thank You .. mark
  3. The link to the song doesn't yet reflect the changes I made. I'll repost it tomorrow if I don't get any further suggestions. Thanks , you just confirmed it was a problem. mark
  4. Great comments , and spot on suggestions. Thanks You ! @noynekkerThe snare was hitting Hard , especially on the 1 and 3. I reduced the snare volume in the clip then reduced the entire clip resulting in a lowering of 2 more tracks. The bow dragging at the end was using chime points and something I'll do more of. @David SprouseI reduced the cellos 3db and automated the vocal clip up after the intro. "Amazing" difference with just these changes. Smoother , cleaner and more Punch. Keep picking it apart and I'll keep fixin it. Send me a bill. Thanks .. mark
  5. mark skinner

    Doo Dah

    I was surfing for some female vocals and ran across a male vocal chops clip that was too strange not to use. It turned into a funk song . I found a groove and just hung there. I did get to try some new stuff on my cello. It's been up and down from Soundcloud 4 times getting it to this point , so any suggestions are more than welcome. I wanted to wait awhile with so many Fantastic songs posted lately , but after seeing Gary Bruns new studio pics in the coffee house , I'm wanting to finish this one and start remodeling.. Thanks markhttps://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/doo-dah
  6. Gary , that is Beautiful ! If it were mine there would be a bed in there somewhere...
  7. Peter , that was a Very professional production in Every aspect ! I Loved the vocals and the video was very captivating. I believe that was worth years of thought and effort. Enjoyed it .. mark
  8. mark skinner


    Great song and great timing! I've got a pile of purchase and warranty information in front of me Right Now for a vehicle problem. This was perfect. I'm glad I'm not the only one Thanks .. mark
  9. It sounds like you played very well together and had some fun. I thought the harmony was great. I don't know what the damage was , but you fixed it. Enjoyed ... mark
  10. First off welcome to the forum. I was assuming these files were just downloaded samples. If they were you just slide the tracks left or right until the notes you can see in the waveforms line up. If these clips were lined up and sounded right in Finale you should be able keep them lined up in CbB. Always be sure your bpm is set the same in both projects. If the Cakewalk/Sonar Guru "scook" ever responds to one of your questions , take his advice . If it gets confusing someone will usually clear it up. ms
  11. I still have music creator 4 , Sonar home studio 7, and le 8.5 installed. The latest version of CbB Now has all the plugins I used in these old programs. I have my screen set up real clean an simple but can easily call up different views when I need them. You can with a little effort , set up and keep everything like you want it to look . It makes learning the new software a lot less confusing.
  12. I've found , Some audio files you import may not line up perfectly even if they're the same bpm until you line up the actual notes in the clip instead of the very beginning of the clip. The original authors of the clips may have trimmed the start in different positions. Some with some silence first , some dead on the first note.
  13. Kevin , I loved "Everything" about this song. Great mix and blend of electric and acoustic. mark
  14. Charles , If you now have an "audio" track of your midi performance it's pretty easy to change. If the track is cut up from edits , first do a bounce to clips so it's all one clip. Select the clip , go to the very end of it and put a marker there. Change the bpm of your project. You'll now see the end of the clip moved away from the marker. Right click your edit "tool" (top of the page with he wrench) and choose "stretch". Grab the very end of your clip again , click and drag it back to the marker. Turn the stretch tool back off ! A few bpm can make a big difference.. mark
  15. From your screenshot these all seem to be all audio clips , so I would first suspect a plugin on the track you're editing. I also don't see any of the track clips on the screen highlighted but the entire timeline is. Like another clip off of your screen is in focus. What kind of edits are you doing ..
  16. Is it powered up "before" you open CbB. I use an Oxygen 61 that works flawlessly only if powered up before the Daw .
  17. Kenny , all 3 were Killer ! Thanks for posting these , it's been way too long .. By the way , where is Rains tele thread. Enjoyed .. mark
  18. Kurt , when I said "hotter" I was referring to the drum tracks alone. I thought the kick could have been thicker and the snare hitting Harder giving the song a little more funk Punch. But , I'm sure going to check out Jamstix . mark
  19. Nice , I thought the electric pianos' were perfect. That was Very relaxed and Smooth , especially for a funk type vibe. Although I thought it could have been a little hotter , I loved the drum track. Great Performance on a Great song ... mark
  20. Thanks for the votes , it is election day.. I hope the rest of the votes turn out as good. David , the only thing I used was the old 32 bit version of TTS from an ancient laptop. I think it sounds fuller than the 64 bit version. I ended up reducing a lot of the lows in Ozone , but I hit it pretty hard before hand at 0-80 hz with a multiband compressor. (Reaxcomp). Without subs I couldn't hear it , but seemed to feel it. Thanks for responding .. mark
  21. I really liked the "Cosmic" and loved the "Blade Runner" feel of this. I found it very relaxing. Thanks .. mark
  22. I Loved your choice of instruments in this and the "air" surrounding them. I especially liked the violin at the outro , at times it sounded like more of an Arabic bowed instrument. I really liked the tone of it and it could easily produce a haunting sound if played in a minor key. I very much enjoyed this clean mix and excellent moves in the melody's. Enjoyed it .. mark
  23. What a Beautiful mix and perfect voice ! Wow this one shocked me from the start to finish. I am Highly impressed .. mark
  24. mark skinner


    I wanted to post a Halloween song last year , but the forum was covered up with them. So here's a quick one . All done in TTS mouse clicking with one sample imported. Enjoy or not. No need to respond .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/goblins
  25. I normally break down , clean and bring my studio pc to my house to update CbB when I Have to. Fooling around on my laptop with the latest version, I just realized the 2020.08 version included the Classic Creative Suite audio effect modules. All of them I only had them in old 32 bit Sonar Daws and exported tracks out of CbB just for some of these plugins. My small SSD is Filling up , but I now have No need for 3 programs I can now uninstall. I've read quite a few posts by people wanting to get back some of the old legacy effects and I was one of them. So .. Thank You ! mark
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