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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Yukohime , I thought both songs were Very nice and I really enjoy hearing singing in different languages. I know nothing about making videos , so I can only comment about the audio side of it. I did like the original artwork and appreciated the nice printed lyrics. I think you are truly a talented guitarist , but I think the guitar lacked some clarity and high end sparkle. I know the normal sound of nylon strings can be helped a little by lowering the real low frequency and adding a little high end gloss. Welcome to the forum ! I hope to hear more from you .. mark
  2. I don't have enough time to list everything that was "Right" about this song and mix .. mark
  3. @garybrun , thanks for the feedback , that's "exactly" what I'm looking for and Always value your opinion. I'm on it. @bjornpdx , Thanks also.. The drum track is a stereo downloaded mp3. with everything baked in. I used "Reafir" to remove a lot of reverb then blended the dry with the wet track. I managed to isolate the snare (somewhat) and added some reverb to it per Garys suggestion . Now that I've got it , I'll try toning it down some. Seems like the snare is a problem. I'd really prefer one that has more "crack". I may can EQ it out some and use a SI drums snare ?? @jack c. Where were you when I needed you .. Thanks ... mark
  4. I've always wanted to do this song , but could never get the drums right with the 4/4 6/4 and tempo changes. I found a drum track , took a lot of reverb out of it then started my 3hr/day for 34 days getting this done. I've heard it so many times I really think I could use some feedback on mix or master. weapons- TTS synth /Aria acoustics , GL asat electric , Ibanez bass , homemade lap steel (slide lead part) , Fender mandolin , unbranded cello. Thanx for any feedback .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/siri
  5. That was deeply satisfying. I love Celtic music especially the darker more somber sounding arrangements. Excellent job on the mix. mark
  6. Rex , that was extremely moving. I think this is by far your best work, and I liked "Everything" about it . No crits no suggestions. I'll bet I'll here it again outside of this forum. (c) .. mark
  7. Jesse , I'm "Really" liking the piano on your last 2 songs ..
  8. It sounds like you've been recording for years instead of months . You can usually get some good advice and suggestions here on your mixes. Welcome to the forum .. mark
  9. Hello to all , I'm up to cleaning up and using Melodyne essentials as a region effect on some vocal tracks. After reviewing , I'm going back in and doing more work on individual phrases and words. I'm finding that the problem spots aren't retaining the pitch corrections I had already put in. I have never really noticed this before , and maybe I'm just getting real picky on this one . I'm rendering as I go. Latest CbB build. Anyone ever noticed this or have a suggestion or solution .. Not a big problem , I actually like editing , but need to trust my efforts .. mark
  10. I really liked the clarity and panning . What synth(s) did you use. There is a Lot of cool sounds here. Enjoyed it. mark
  11. Dalton , I Loved this song and your vocals , especially the circling chorus lines. It's got a timing glitch at 1:50 , like maybe a copy and paste issue. If that was fixed this one would be in my "Favorites" library. Welcome to the forum . Hope to hear more from you .. mark
  12. mark skinner


    That was Fantastic in every aspect. I really liked the relaxed vibe and bpm of this. You really projected the "tired" of running aspect. If I were to suggest any improvement , it would be to punch the drums a little bit on the 1 and 4 , maybe a mixed in midi kick and snare. This really sounded like a classic southern rocker .. mark
  13. Kenny , the Washburn/Tele combo was real nice. Smooth as a pit bull. Congrats on the new friend .. mark
  14. That was Fantastic! Sure got that Steele Dan vibe down. I Really enjoyed the listen. mark
  15. Fantastic job Gary , you really can tell the seasoned quality of you voice on this one. Superbly sung ! I got a bunch of teeth pulled , then my dentist shut down because of covid. I havn't minded wearing a mask at all while waiting to finish my dental work , but it really has effected my singing. Doesn't seem to be a problem with you .. mark
  16. Gary , Great song and especially your "silky" vocals. I don't know what's happening with the synth and piano but they don't have the clarity I think they need to compliment your vocals. They may be just a little too far up front. I think the vocals should be the star in this one with the backing just quietly reinforcing it . Anyway .. I know it won't be done till you're happy with it . Enjoyed it .. mark
  17. Yes , actually sing "San Francisco days" , skip a phrase , and sing the next phrase that carries the same melody "I'll go back some day". Pretty sparse or none at all on the first chorus , then progressively louder each chorus afterwards. ms
  18. Barry , Huge improvement on the 2nd mix and the new drummer lyrics are way better. I really like the drum tracks and the new guitar parts. I would like to hear a strong harmony coming in every other phrase starting on "San Francisco days". I'm also hearing some distortion in a few places almost like clipping 3:44/3:58/4:21 . I removed earbuds and checked these spots again with Bose headphones . Same "broken speaker" type sound. I believe it's a specific vocal eq freq. I thought this was some great storytelling and great song. mark
  19. Blue lights normally scare me.. but after seeing these I ordered some .
  20. mark skinner

    using audio snap

    I've used audio snap for the first time on a couple of tracks . I used "clip follows project". If I'm satisfied with the results "do I need to bounce to clips or tracks afterwards to bake it in" Thanks mark
  21. That was a Long long way from folk , but you are on the very edge of producing some Fantastic music. I Very much enjoyed this from the start to finish. I thought it flowed nicely and you sure tagged the ending. Great job ! mark
  22. Just below your main toolbar section , and normally on the right side , there is a disable auto crossfade icon. Mine is in the same section of the screen where the region fx is. There's probably more than one way , I've never used the crossfade or had to turn it off. ms
  23. Douglas , Great song and a classic vintage vibe. I thought the vocals and treatment was fantastic. It felt like I set the needle down on a favorite classic LP. Enjoyed it very much .. mark
  24. bjorn, Thanks for the comment .. It took me a few passes thru to get a handle on a pretty big issue between two of the main L/R guitar tracks and the way they were going back and forth. It was more noticeable at the beginning , but it carried out thru the entire song. When I get it all edited I'll post a "remix 2" I would have Never found or addressed this without your expert opinion. Great call ! Thanks again to everyone.. mark
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