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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Excellent ! You did a superb job especially on the vocals. Everything sounded Big and flowed nicely. I especially liked the chorus and the strong vocal behind it near the end. Enjoyed it.. mark
  2. A+ everywhere. I loved the Power in the choruses and especially the guitar break leading into the synth. Great job Great mix. mark
  3. mark skinner

    Bus versus Pan

    Brandon , look at your fx rack in track view. If you have a stereo plugin like a reverb inserted , it will have 2 small vertical lines under it (between the name of your plugin and your next plugin). Several stereo plugins in a row and it will look like vertical bars behind the names. A mono plugin will have a Single small line in the middle under your plugin name. Surround sound plugins have 4 lines. This same question was answered by Scook several months ago with a lot of people responding that they had never noticed the dots or lines. Pretty easy to overlook. mark
  4. Weird , I have CbB on 3 pc's. (different versions) I can access the start screen from the Help menu on one with the demo projects , on another one I have to use File to access the demos, on the third , the demo projects aren't available. I guess it's version specific . Sorry if I misled you . ms
  5. When you open Cakewalk , (without opening a project) the "start screen" has a section to open any of the 4 demo projects. If the start screen isn't launching when you open Cakewalk , click "file" and there is an option there to open it. There is also an option to always open it.
  6. If I were in the market for a Kemper , this one would sell me. They'd do well to get a hold of this for a promo. Enjoyed it again .. mark
  7. Hello , I've only recently started using Melodyne as a "region effect" instead of adding it as a vst . My question is "do the pro channel effects get baked in when rendering" I like to leave them on to hear the clip in context , and I know that reverbs and delays and anything with modulation should be turned off. Thanks .. mark
  8. mark skinner

    Sleepy Time

    Very nice and relaxing. Those were some great guitar harmonies and I loved the swelling strings behind the piano. There were some repeating piano notes coming in at 2:19 that I thought were overshadowing the guitars. Listening for the 3rd time (days apart) they distracted me each time. Still a Great song .. mark
  9. David , that was great! I considered it pretty close to experimental. I put a kick drum in my head and couldn't keep up with the timing. I loved the relaxing tones and presentation , you are a Very talented composer and producer. Another all around fantastic job .. mark
  10. The amount of seasoned talent in that room left me speechless ... so that's all I'm saying. mark
  11. mark skinner

    Samba Juice

    I really like this style and genre of music , I thought at first you weren't going to cut loose on the guitar , you made me wait. I liked the "Carlos" bite you got in the attacks. Great job ! mark
  12. Great song , performance and mixing. Going back and forth I keep changing my mind which mix I like better. They both have their higher points. You did a great job creating a feel of tension. Enjoyed it .. mark
  13. Check out Izotope "Ozone" mastering software. It's automated but you have full control over the results. A lot of times when they roll out a new version they'll give away a previous light version for free.
  14. That was Totally Awesome ! and so clean. It sounded light years beyond a test mix. At some point I think you really need to list the details and processing on this one.. Fantastic job .. mark
  15. mark skinner


    Here's another instrumental , named it Hunter just because I was hunting a sound. This is the first time I've actually Felt a keyboard. All nits , crits and suggestions are welcomed . Thanks .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/hunter
  16. Bjorn , Fantastic! I got totally immersed in the synth layers and your voice. Very creative vocal effects. Felt like a soundtrack from a good vr program. But , I can't accept "the way it is" mark
  17. David , go to "Preferences" and click "Display" There is a check box there for "show waveform preview while recording" make sure it's checked. As far as the distortion the waveform will help with levels , but you may have other issues. One thing to do is select your guitar track , turn On your record button and input echo button and look at your volume meter (without playing anything). Your meter shouldn't be showing any signal. If it is you've got a hardware problem like a bad chord , mic , interface etc.. or your levels are just jacked up too much. If it's not showing a signal it's a software issue like routing drivers etc .. This is somewhere to start . mark
  18. I enjoyed this very much. I thought the choice of the different instruments coming in and out was really nice. I found the whistle like instrument a little loud and the first time the vocal came in it was a little too artificial sounding , like maybe pitched a little high. Other than that it was Fantastic! The stabs were perfect. After hearing this I checked out Heavyocity , it's now on the list. Great production .. mark
  19. Great vocals and a very creative bridge. I also liked the loose intro. I agree with Paul about the bass getting buried , and I think a little on the drums. I would try and get a deeper kick.. I'm in the middle of one now with tremolo Teles' and some moving pans and having real problems getting a smooth mix. I had to back off on the pans and really get the guitars levels smoothed out with the rest of the instruments. I love the tone of your guitars and the fills they're doing , especially the R guitar. From listening to your other works I know you'll get it done .. mark
  20. Excellent production and performance on both versions! They both had their high points with no lows. Fantastic vocals and harmony. I guess I really need to take a closer look at Bandlab. Enjoyed the song .. mark
  21. That was So relaxing and Awe inspiring. Thank You for posting this and making stems available. This now goes on my list of favorite productions and one that really invoked an emotional response. Thanks ... mark
  22. The vocals in this were awesome! I love the "air" you captured in the voice. It would be nice to know how it was processed if you don't mind. Cool song all the way thru , I especially liked the outro and hope to hear a lot more from you. Thanks .. mark
  23. Fantastic production and performance ! Your voice is silky and Superb . I wish I could hold notes like you do without using vibrato. I liked the way the different effects came in keeping everything flowing different. Amazing job. mark
  24. Great job , I Loved the song and the raw energy of it. I agree the vocals could come up in a few spots. The main and vocal harmonys were spot on performance wise , and the guitars sounded Great. I did think it a little unusual that the harmonys are panned wider than the guitars that seem to be hugging the middle of the mix. Some spots it worked , others it seemed to narrow the mix when the vocals drop out. Overall I think it's real close to being a classic. Enjoyed it ... mark
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