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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. DeeringAmps, I'm thinking it might be a Cakewalk issue. Tried these experiments as well: > Drag a midi clip from Cakewalk to EZD3 - audio engine drops out. >Drag a midi clip from Cakewalk to my PC Desktop area - audio engine drops out?! > Drag the midi clip from Desktop back into Cakewalk - no drop out. > Drag the midi clip from Desktop into EZD3 drop zone (below Tap2Find) - no drop out. Can you replicate this? That would rule out my PC, midi clip, etc. as the culprit.
  2. Thanks Promidi! I don't use Firefox but I'll see if there is something similar for Edge or Chrome. I still find it strange that the topic Author is not clearly identified in the thread.
  3. Whenever I drag midi from Cakewalk to EZD3 midi drop zone (below Tap2Find) Cakewalk's audio engine drops out. Also happens with EZ Bass. Not sure if it is a Cakewalk issue or a Toontrack issue. If I drag a midi file from my Windows 10 PC to the midi drop zone the audio engine does not drop out, so I think it may be a Cakewalk issue? Anyone else experience this? Can anyone else re-create this on your system? If not then I know it has something to do with my setup.
  4. I think Moises is pretty good for what it does at the price point. Would love to hear from others who've found similar/better solutions.
  5. Moises does track separation and chord detection of audio
  6. Send me the WAV or MP3. I'll analyze it with Moises and send you the chords - and only charge $7.50 (half price!). Sorry, but no flashlight :^) But seriously folks - I've had good success with Moises (moises.ai). Pretty nifty. No affiliation - I just like it. I'm sure there are others - please chime in.
  7. Maybe I'm missing something - and maybe this is in the wrong forum area (since it's not Cakewalk 'improvement' feedback), so moderators please move if appropriate. When reading threads I don't see the Author of the post identified (like on most other forums). As I read the thread, I end up having to scroll back to the original post to see who the author is. Could be my error (not unusual :^) If the post Author is indeed not identified on the sidebar I'd like to request that as a feature added to the forums.
  8. My feeling is that there is going to be a truly noteworthy update released in the near future that blows our collective socks off. "Skill is the child of patience" (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
  9. There are so many unusually gifted people on this planet... See attached WMV file - he is great! Question - How do you embed a video into a post? I only have this as a WMV file. I see a "player" screen when I am setting up the post, but it does not make it to the post as useable/playable. IPlayPianoWithMyBalls.wmv
  10. Must be a really big announcement since the "Any news on update" thread has totally vanished. Uh oh, since I referenced that thread this one might be headed to the same black hole...?
  11. Is this happening to everyone or just me? (Note: Bapu, nothing to do with you, it's just that yours was the only notification left in my Notifications dropdown). Note: The referenced Topic has disappeared... the plot thickens...
  12. Thanks Mark! I missed that sneaky Chevron hiding out on the right (in plain sight :^). That gives me all the options as well. Looks like both yours and DeeringAmps solution works. Thank you both - my Cakewalk education continues!
  13. Mark, if I set source to "Entire Mix" I only get my Focusrite in Sources: DeeringAmps, that works - and you're sooo right - not intuitive at all.
  14. I must be missing something obvious... Trying to bounce/combine multiple audio tracks into 1 stereo track - but I keep getting just a complete duplicate of all the selected tracks! What am I doing wrong / not understanding? > I have a test song with 16 tracks (2 vocal, 14 instrument). Want to mix the 15 instrument tracks down to 1 stereo track, resulting in 2 vocal tracks and 1 instrument track (the 14 mixed down tracks). 1. Select all the instrument tracks 2. Go to Tracks/Bounce to Track(s) I've got Track 17 as the destination and, to me, that means all get mixed down to one track - Track 17 (ie, it doesn't say new Tracks, it says new Track). But the result is 14 added tracks (17-30)? I know I can export to a WAV and then re-import. What am I missing?
  15. Thanks all! I ran across this on Ebay. Not sure if it is all the K2500 sounds or not (or even if it is legit). Seems so, as the company has been around a while. Anyone have any idea if this would be worth the minor $10 investment? Kurzweil K2500 Synthesizer Sample Library: 3,800 High Quality WAV Samples | eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275085394293
  16. Thanks for the helpful advice. Never heard of SampleRobot - will have to give it a try. Makes me think that there might be samples of the K2500x already out there. I will poke around the web adn see if they already exist.
  17. Thanks Max Arwood! I have full version of Kontakt. Will look into that and hope to get other recommendations as well. Not well versed in MIDI, sampling, etc.
  18. I'm willing to bet you're intelligent enough. Patient enough? Probably not. I spent many years playing an "analog" Steinway piano while studying classical composition / performance. When I started using Cakewalk - many, many years ago (around 1991) - I got very frustrated as well. Walked away (dumb me). I've recently come back to Cakewalk (my absolute favorite DAW!) and admitted to myself that there is a *steep* learning curve (as with any other DAW, any other instrument, ANYTHING that is a worthwhile, satisfying pursuit). Take a breath. Take your time. Watch tutorials. And realize that it will take a lot of time and effort to even begin to understand (and appreciate) the amazing things you can do with Cakewalk. I guarantee you will find the journey very rewarding!
  19. I have a working Kurzweil K2500x 88 key keyboard (circa 1997) that I used to record a bunch of instrumental stuff in Cakewalk. I've since moved on to my Arturia mkII keyboard. The K2500x has a lot of nice sounds that I'd like to keep if possible. Does anyone know if it's possible to "export" or "convert" those K2500 sounds/patches so that they can be used without having the keyboard physically connected via MIDI / powered on?
  20. Unless they make a quick U-turn they likely lose a good chunk of their customer base - not to mention good-will.
  21. I've seen that as well and just ignored it - but it is weird. Not sure why the note names in PRV would not follow the key signature (unless you intentionally alter them).
  22. Great info everyone! I was going nuts trying to remember when something very similar happened to me. Finally found it - here is my post - and the great answers - love this community! Probably worth a read. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/51642-sonitus-plugins-stop-working/ Mine ended up being caused by Focusrite as well, so I bet there are lots of folks out there that get stung by this, as Focusrite is pretty popular. Maybe a pinned forum document with details about what to look for and how to do the VC++ fix would be worth posting.
  23. Thanks Steev! I ended up trying (and returning) this card: MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3050 8GB GDRR6 I got latency issues (per LatencyMon) - which I never got with the internal graphics card. I'm going to stay with internal graphics for now, as I don't game and can't notice much lag, etc. when working in Cakewalk with the internal graphics. I may eventually add a third monitor - at that point I might have to re-visit adding a graphics card.
  24. I agree with what msmcleod says below - and I mentioned above - it may very well be the VC++ runtimes causing the issue: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2016000033/Unable-to-register-the-DLL-OCX-RegSvr32-failed-with-exit-code-0x3 The faulty memory module is a (remote) possibility, but worth checking if the VC++ fix does not work.
  25. Baktrak, a few things come to mind. When you did the clean install (as administrator), did you have any devices attached (Scarlett, etc.)? If so I'd try install with only keyboard/mouse attached. If still failing it's highly unlikely, but possible, that you have a faulty memory stick. I only say this because it happened to me. Can't remember the exact error I was getting but I ended up running a full memory diagnostic (not the Windows one - I used Memtest86 - free version, which boots from USB). Ended having to warranty replace a memory module. Another possibility: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2016000033/Unable-to-register-the-DLL-OCX-RegSvr32-failed-with-exit-code-0x3
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