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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. https://www.audiocheck.net/index.php is a great site! So many interesting tests you can do. I can hear up to 13k on my office PC speakers with subwoofer (not sure if that is good or bad). Will have to check it on my Music PC. Fun stuff!
  2. @Chris Ward, just curious. Did you do a RAM test with https://www.memtest86.com/? RAM is likely not the issue, but I've been down that road and it drove me crazy until I found out it was a bad stick of RAM causing my issues (not with my wife... with Cakewalk... :^)
  3. Mark, your video examples are GREAT! One suggestion - maybe post them at half speed - I find myself having to rewind/replay several times to take in all the great info they provide :^)
  4. Chris, not sure about Jim Roseberry shipping to UK - can't hurt to ask. I also think @Starship Krupa has an idea worth pursuing to see if RAM is the culprit. I had a bad stick of RAM wreak havoc on my system about a year ago. I used Memtest86 (free) to diagnose. You can check it out here: https://www.memtest86.com/
  5. @Chris Ward, I suggest you contact @Jim Roseberry and discuss having him build you a new PC.
  6. Mark - great cover! Very unique. I'm a total newbie when it comes to mixing and this give sme incentive to keep learning (or just hire somebody.... :^)
  7. Chris, @Jim Roseberry is another very knowledgeable forum member - he has helped me (and many others). Hopefully he will impart a few nuggets of wisdom upon this thread! Best of luck - and Happy New Year to all!
  8. Thanks again @OutrageProductions and @User 905133! No wireless here. I'll give Noel's article a read but I'm going to take the advice of you both and not worry about it. I love this forum... :^)
  9. Thanks @OutrageProductions and @User 905133! Since I'm using Focusrite 3rd Generation, what is the difference between UWP and MME and is either a better choice? I'm clueless on this stuff....
  10. Not sure if this is even an issue (or relevant to my setup), but I was reading some forum posts and they mentioned having Preferences/Playback and Recording/Driver Mode set to ASIO. If I look there, mine is set to MME and I only have that or UWP as options. I have a Focusrite 8i6 3rd Gen and all seems to be good and I can normally record at 128 samples: Anything to be concerned about?
  11. Great interview. I'm a keyboard player, but there were so many nuggets of wisdom for music in general that I really learned a lot from this one.
  12. Hey @Glenn Stanton - I agree and usually use CTRL+F in the manual. On the web I often do a generic Google/Bing search and use the "site" modifier to narrow my search. And I'm not a good typist(!), so I have several canned "site:" lists so I can just copy/paste into the search box as needed.
  13. I use the "site" modifier to focus on specific site(s) in Google. You can add as many as you want/need. As an example - type this into the Google search box to get good results just on this forum: cakewalk panic button site:discuss.cakewalk.com I also use it when looking for general info, like this: vocal comping site:creativesauce.net OR site:musicradar.com OR site:sweetwater.com OR site:izotope.com OR site:soundonsound.com OR site:discuss.cakewalk.com
  14. You got it.. I've had to use that a few times with orchestral stuff - the strings just kept on singing,,, :^)
  15. Can't fit another monitor :^) But at least I'd be doing a lot less scrolling!
  16. @Wookiee the advantage I see is, as shown in my image, you could have one Console window that displays, say, Tracks 1-12, another with Tracks 13-24, and another showing the Buses - no scrolling!
  17. Thanks Wookiee. I know you can do that but I think multiple instances of the Console window (and/or Multidock) would be fantastic in multiple monitor situations. This is my monitor layout and multiple console windows would be great:
  18. Multiple floating Console and/or Multidock Windows would be great for those of us with multiple monitors!
  19. As someone who is still learning Cakewalk and mixing, etc. (classical piano background) I think you did a great job! I'm still trying to get brave enough to finish and put out something for others to critique. Congratulations for taking the plunge!
  20. I guess this is not considered a worthwhile feature :^( I've tagged @msmcleod and @Morten Saether a few times on this and another similar thread (https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/67585-multiple-multidock-instances-request/) but haven't gotten a response ☹️. They must be really busy working on the new Sonar, so understandable. Just hope this feature eventually gets some attention and traction!
  21. I for one hope so. This is also discussed in another post I started here: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/69227-feature-request-multiple-console-windows/ I'm hoping @msmcleod or @Morten Saether can comment on whether this is feasible and/or (hopefully) in the works!
  22. Your bad night probably sounds way better than anything this amateur could put together... ?
  23. Being able to have multiple undocked Console / Multidock Windows (not sure of correct terminology) would be a GREAT feature. Hope the Bakers are considering it.
  24. I wasn't clear (and was using incorrect terminology - sorry) about having multiple windows open (Tracks, PRV, Staff, etc.). I should have said "instances". While Console, PRV, Staff, etc. can all be open/undocked/viewed at the same time, what I was trying to convey was that it would be great to be able to open multiple instances of any/all of those windows. Examples would be 2 or more instances of the Console (1 with Tracks 1-12, another with Tracks 13-25, another with just buses, etc. - like in my original post). Or maybe multiple instances of the Staff view (one with piano, one with bass, etc.) - so, if you have the screen real estate, you don't have to toggle between them. Multiple Console windows would probably be most useful to me, but multiples of the others would probably be useful to others as well. Sorry to all that I did not explain clearly/correctly - my fault - still learning... :^)
  25. Thanks Glenn and Mark! I can't live without multiple monitors. I am in IT and have 5(!) in my office so I can see all kinds of stuff at the same time. The Portrait windows are great for Kontakt, plugins, etc. You can see lots of stuff at the same time. To me, another advantage of being able to break out the Console Windows is that you could have one with a Tracks View, one with a Piano Roll View, one with Staff View, etc. - endless possibilities! I guess the Bakers are really busy. Have not heard anything from @msmcleod or @Morten Saether on whether this would be hard to implement or is even under consideration.
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