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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. Probably just stating the obvious, but this would be helpful with any number of monitors. I really think having the ability to open multiple instances of the Console Window (and other windows) would really be a game changer in this era of lots of users having 2-3-4+ monitors in different orientations. I opened up an example project and it had 60 tracks. How convenient it would be to use my Portrait Monitor to stack multiple Console Windows (like in my example)! You'd be able to see ALL the tracks - in wide view - AND see another Console Window with lots/all of the buses as well! No scrolling! @msmcleod, @Morten Saether - can you offer any insight as to whether this feature would be helpful or easy/hard to implement?
  2. I agree as well. This drove me crazy for a while, as it affects Kontakt instruments (record at one volume, get a much quieter volume on playback). I always thought this was a Global setting.
  3. Personally, I think 16GB of RAM is the absolute minimum you should have. I'm probably an outlier, but have 128GB...
  4. Sorry if this has been discussed before - did a search but could not find anything, and, as far as I know, this currently can't be done. I have (3) 4k monitors - 55" in Landscape, flanked by (2) 48" in Portrait. It would be wonderful if I could undock/float multiple Console Windows on one of the Portrait monitors. That would allow me to have, for example, 1 window with Tracks 1-12, then a window below it with Tracks 13-25, then one more window below that with the buses. Example:
  5. Wow John - we both posted within 1 minute of each other... ?
  6. Success! I found the answer by stumbling upon this very informative video: Focusrite Control Loopback - Step-by-Step Setup Guide - YouTube Note to @John Vere - did not need to disable any Audio Devices - and thanks again for all your help!! I now hope this helps someone else ? In Focusrite Control you have to "expose" all the available channels to the operating system (so OBS can see them). (Note: This only works for 3rd Gen+ Scarlett interfaces - 2nd Gen does not have Loopback capability). In Windows System Tray, click on the ^ icon and select show hidden icons: Right-click on the Focusrite icon and choose "Expose / Hide Windows Channels" I'm using Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen and I checked off everything except SPDIF (I don't use it - adjust per your Scarlett Model / needs): Before: After: Then, go into Windows Sound Settings (you can right-click on the speaker icon by the clock to get there or just type "sound settings" in the Windows search box. Set the OBS Profile to use the (now exposed) Loopback: And now it shows up in OBS as an available device to select for "Audio Input Capture": Now, when you play a Project in Cakewalk OBS will capture the sound! Thanks again to @John Vere - I've learned a lot from your very instructive Tutorial Videos!
  7. John, I’ll give that a try today. I think the Slate VSX is the only other enabled audio device. And yes, the loop does not show as an option in OBS.
  8. Cakewalk shows the Loopback: Focusrite Control shows activity on the Loopback: I set OBS to the Focusrite as default: OBS picks up sound from the Microphone. OBS picks up sound (Desktop Audio) if I choose a Browser window as a Source. I can also insert an Audio Track and set its input to the Loopback and record: Just no sound when I choose Cakewalk as a source in OBS and play a project.
  9. Thanks again John. Not at my Music PC until tomorrow but will take a look. Note: Choosing any input (other than Default) does not help.
  10. Thanks John! Problem is I can't find any reference to the Loopback as an option. I tried uninstall/reinstall of OBS but the Loopback is just not there. Not sure what else to try. Cakewalk is set to 48/24, but some test Projects load at 44.1/24. OBS is also set to 48. OBS doesn't record Audio for either.
  11. Note - also tried to add an Audio Input Capture and Audio Output Capture, but they did not help. I hate being a newbie!!
  12. I'm obviously doing something wrong (as usual :^) I'm new to OBS. Installed it and can record, with sound, from a browser. But can't get OBS to record output from Cakewalk. I have an 8i6, 3rd Gen. I added the Loopback (following a Focusrite tutorial) and it shows in Cakewalk. If I play a project in Cakewalk I see output on the Loopback port in Focusrite Control In OBS, if I capture the Cakewalk Window and look at the Desktop Audio options, I only see "Focusrite USB Audio" - not sure if I should see the Loopback as an option(?). If so, no idea how to get it to show up. If I pick the Focusrite USB Audio and play the Cakewalk project, no sound is captured. Any idea what I am doing wrong? :^(
  13. You can undock / float almost anything. Does this help?
  14. I posted this on another Topic and thought it might help others so I'm posting here. The referenced (free) utility works GREAT for me - hope it helps others! Here is a link to the utility: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/persistentwindows.html See this post for more details:
  15. I've always had issues with Windows not staying in place after monitors are turned off, especially when it's a mix of Display Port and HDMI. I have 3 monitors (actually 3 4k TVs). I am on Win10Pro - not sure how much better Win11 is. This program has been absolutely GREAT for me. Works like a charm. All Windows are ALWAYS where I left them. See this link (note: MajorGeeks is a well-known and respected site): https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/persistentwindows.html
  16. Solved. The track interleave was set to Mono. When I set it to Stereo all worked as expected. No credit to me - posted the same question at Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Group on Facebook and got and quick, accurate answer. I've got a lot to learn - thanks to everyone who visits and comments on these Forums!
  17. I've been testing out Waves Harmony and noticed that panning within the plugin does not work - there's no audible difference, even if I pan hard L or R. I then tried some other plugins - Waves Doubler2, Nectar4 Voices. Panning does nothing on them either. The voice always sound centered. If I pan the actual track L or R it works fine. Am I doing something wrong? Is this a Cakewalk anomaly or issue? Don't have another DAW installed to test. Can anyone test and advise if you have the same issue?
  18. Anyone have any knowledge regarding this comment from Slipping into Sanity? I can't find any reference to an "EDITION" on the copyright.gov website.
  19. Think about how many songs that have NOT been written due to all this back and forth on questions that have no answers... ?
  20. I have the same issue and get the same exact message. I use 1 Samsung and 2 Sony 4k TVs as monitors. Only solution I've found (as mentioned) is to disable the Intel audio devices so only my Focusrite 8i6 handles audio. Definitely think this is a Cakewalk bug that needs to be addressed.
  21. Jim, I'll head over to your site later today and sign up for some consulting time - it will be well worth it!
  22. Bleh. Having same issue as last time I tried a dedicated Video Card. Not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or need to adjust? I installed the Gigabyte RTX 3060 card and installed minimum stuff using their installer. Even did a re-install using the NVCleanInstall option (thanks Jack Stoner). LatencyMon showing NVIDIA as the culprit. Samsung and one of the Sony TV's are connected to HDMI ports on GTX 3060. One Sony is connected via an active Display Port to HDMI cable (all TVs have HDMI only and GTX3060 has 2 HDMI and 2 DP). All displays look great and are at native resolutions (3840x2160, 60Hz). Samsung is in Landscape and Sony's are in Portrait. I'm not gamer, etc. and am not at all savvy when it comes to GPU's. Any suggestions? Should I disable on-board graphics (or does that even mater)? Using a pretty powerful PC, dedicated to just running Cakewalk. Win10 Pro 64-bit Intel i9-10850K @3.60GHz, Comet Lake 14nm, 10 Cores ASRock Z490 Extreme4 Motherboard 128GB RAM (2) 2TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe Drives (1) 2TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD (1) 4TB Crucial CT4000MX500SSD1 SSD Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen Realtek 2.5GbE Controller Samsung 55" Crystal 4k UHD AU 8000 HDR TV, UN55AU8000FXZA, 2021 Model, 3840x2160 (2) Sony 43" X85K Ultra HD TV's (KD43X85K), 2022 Model Jim Roseberry - a paid consultation might be needed! :^)
  23. Yeah, saw that - thanks.. I've used Gigabyte motherboards in the past and they worked well so I'll give them a shot.
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