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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. I did not revert to an earlier build to test, but the tests done by @User 905133 and @John Vere seem to confirm that it was the update when TTS-1 was removed that caused the issue. "Instrument track per output" option on the new Add Track dialog simply does not work in the latest build (2024.02, Build 98).
  2. Maybe @John Vere can comment - I've learned a lot from his tutorials (Thanks John!!) and he knows his way around Cakewalk!
  3. @msmcleod, you can't reproduce the issue? Mine ls always grayed out (as per my screenshots). Looks like both me and @User 905133 can both reproduce the issue.
  4. I assume I'm doing something wrong or not understanding (not surprising :^). Did a lot of searching but couldn't find an answer. When using the new "Add Track" dialog, the option "instrument track per output" is always grayed out. If I use the old dialog (by just double-clicking the instrument in the Browser, adding via the Synth Rack, etc.) the option is available. Tried it with TTS-1, BBC Orchestra, Musio, EZ Drummer, etc. Example with TTS-1: Use + button to open Add Track dialog: Select the "Instrument" tab and then choose TTS-1, and increase to 4 tracks: Problem: the "instrument track per output" option is not clickable (i.e., it's grayed out and can't be activated)! As a result, I get 4 instances of TTS-1 in the Synth Rack. But using the "Old" Dialog - the various options are all available: Tried the same exercise with Musio. Using the "old" dialog I can create 1 instance of Musio, load some synths into the Musio rack, and change the MIDI and Audio settings to match the tracks created. Example: Use these options and add as many tracks as needed (4 in this case): This creates one instance of Musio (Musio 1), and 4 tracks with outputs set to 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 (as evidenced by the generated track names): Add instruments to Musio: Note: MIDI outputs will default to 1. Audio outputs will default to 1-2 In Musio, change to distinct MIDI and Audio outputs. In this case, set Midi outputs sequentially to 1,2,3,4 and Audio Outs to 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Now each instrument is on its own track. In the one instance of Musio. Can't figure out how to do that with the "new" add track dialog. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, as I'm not a routing expert by any means :^)
  5. See this discussion. I’m hoping it gets implemented some day…
  6. For those of us with multiple monitors, I found this great AutoHotkey script. I often have multiple windows, plugins, etc. open on the monitors. When I want to work on a plugin, etc. I often prefer it on the main monitor, so I would drag it to the main monitor, then drag it back when done. Kind of tedious. This little script will center the active window on the main monitor (Alt+q), then Alt+w will move it back to its original position. So now I just have to click on the Window I want to work on, press Alt+q, then press Alt+w when done to put it back where it was. Great timesaver for me. Note: You can specify any key combinations you prefer - just be careful that you don't use something already reserved for Cakewalk, Windows, etc. Center active window and move back.ahk
  7. That would be too much coffee - and not enough Guinness...
  8. What does this mean? Did I do something wrong? ?
  9. Thanks pwal. I'm probably the difficult one as I'm oblivious to how software programming works... :^) I'd guess that the fly out menus are offering you "choices", but when you select an FX to insert it "activates" the FX, which could then trigger a "close" the menu event? Or maybe, as you suggest, some type of "OK" button to signal that you're done.
  10. I assume it would close after you select the FX you want from the list.
  11. Thanks @pwal³ . I realize that but, as a non-programmer, was hoping that menu fly outs could be customized by the software developer.
  12. Yes, @Helios.G, I am aware of being able to use the Browser to search for plug-ins (and list plug-ins by Category, etc.), but sometimes I just instinctively click on the + button in the FX section to insert one (and often have the Browser window closed). Just seems like a design quirk/bug that the menu closes when you'd think it would remain open based on what you're doing.
  13. Minor annoyance but I hope it will change in new Sonar... Whenever you change the Plug-in Layout view, it's almost always because you are looking for an FX (or Instrument) to insert, so the menu should not disappear, forcing you to open it again. Example: In screenshot below, I want to find an FX to insert, but want to change the view from the current "Sort by Category" to, say, "Sort by Manufacturer", so I can continue my search. But when I make my selection, the menu disappears! Now I have to click the + sign to add an effect, etc. to get back to the same menu. Very counterintuitive and a waste of mouse clicks.
  14. I've had BiaB for over a year and have toyed with it but haven't put in the time to learn it well (daunting interface). I agree that is a great source for inspiration and getting ideas going, but maybe not so great for producing a finished product. But who knows? I haven't worked with it enough to make that type of judgement. A dedicated "BiaB and Cakewalk(Sonar)" forum topic might be a great place to consolidate / share ideas.
  15. Not sure what @richard greenidge used but one highly recommended one is latencymon https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon
  16. Many thanks to @sjoens for those great looking icons. I just followed his instructions! ?
  17. See the the posts by me and @sjoens in this thread Made the icons for vst2 and vst3 much better and DX icon is grey so they’re all distinct
  18. I usually rent a truck and carry my Steinway B with me... ?
  19. I've never used this brand but they're supposed to be really good. Pretty expensive, but a cool design: https://pianodevoyage.com/
  20. Not familiar with Brave. I use uBLock Origin with Edge (free Extension). Works well for me.
  21. Bapu, not sure if this applies to your situation, but if the videos are on YouTube, you might want to bite the bullet and subscribe to YouTube Premium ($140/year). I hate subscriptions, but watch a lot of tutorial videos, etc. on YouTube and the cost is worth it for me. YMMV.
  22. I've been trying to spend more time getting acclimated/practicing modes and often used chord progressions (think Dorian, Lydian, I V vi IV, etc.). Stumbled upon this YouTuber and I think it is an excellent treatment of modes and their related sounds / chords progressions, etc. Hope others find it of interest. Modal Chord Progressions - The Ultimate Guide
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