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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. The thumbs down being a cases in point ? Young children ?, they must have their fun, precious little darlings ?
  2. Aren't the Cakewalk Forums just a hoot? more fun than a barrel of monkeys or a frog in a sock. it's a hoot I tell ya, always has been, always will be ? I wonder what it is? I think it has something to do with ? anything negative gets said about Cakewalk or SONAR, and it's like you had 'relations' with their wife or pissed in their coffee, both even. Never could understand it myself, but sitting back and watching on is good for a laugh. ?
  3. Talking about strokes, there were these 3 old ladies sitting on a bench in the shopping mall when this young naked dude came running by, 1 of the old ladies had a stroke, the other 2 were to slow. I'll see me'self out.
  4. No, I believe you are granted the license, I could be wrong, but you may even find that wording in the EULA, I believe I have read it before, not necessarily Cakewalk EULA, along with the fact that at their discretion they can revoke your license.
  5. There are a lot of ifs, if they go this way, if it is the same as last time. But if it is you don't have to keep paying over and over, once you pass your first 12 months, the version you are at is yours (forgetting the ownership/license argument) You can stay and use that version as long as you want. If you decide sometime in the future you want to update, you can start paying again, once you past 12 months of paying again, you can stop paying and the version you are on you can continue to use, repeat and rinse. 12 consecutive months of payment in all cases.
  6. Oh the Cakewalk forums, never fail to entertain, just imagine what it will be like as we get closer to release ?
  7. You made a mistake in the title, it's Guitar Rig 7 Poo
  8. Not as pretty as you my handsome man ?
  9. If a shot is fired, which duly misses, don't fire back with hugs and kisses Heath Row
  10. Wonder what happened, they stopped calling Nectar 'Advanced', but changed to plus back a ways, now we are back to Advanced. Oh well I'm in.
  11. It could be Guitar Rig 29 and it would still be a steaming turd. ?
  12. and it has arrived on the Sonible site and the Emails are in, all engines are go.?
  13. I have them all (except for this new one, . . . yet), no regrets, got to keep the collection intact.
  14. That's the best you can do? kiddies now days, where's that 'rolls eyes' emoticon when you need it.
  15. Well done on them getting a free DAW to that many people, hope they all kept using it and will all keep using it once they have to pay for it.? and of course all marketing is trust worthy, and everything you read on the net is true, so we're good to go, and that's a double thumbs up ??
  16. I shall score it when it turns up on the Sonible site ?
  17. No, more like fact-y, or perhaps 'accusator-y' thought, at least in certain groups of users eyes, you don't have to travel back to far to find evidence of users 'discussing' the issue , and no, I'm not going to find it for you, although CCC and Rapture Pro etc 'might' be good places to start if one wanted to find examples of that particular trait on display, and going back further in time things like the Matrix etc anyway. as for the 2,000,000 CbB users, perhaps that is that other online app DAW thingy they are talking about, I have seen it discussed and that seemed to be the general thought, but anyway (2) I hope it works out for them and the users, personally I don't think I'll ever come back, been gone for 8+ years now, but it will be interesting to see how it all unfolds, could make for good entertainment, especially if you get some of those 'Lifetime Updaters' that have a certain feeling of entitlement, could be fun I purchased the Lifetime Update deal even though I had already departed, would have been a good deal if I ever came back, . . . and if it lasted longer than the blink of an eye lol, but we wont talk about that anyway (3) Interesting to see that new 'Next' thing when it drops, see what it's all about. anyway (4) I'm off.
  18. but, but, but, that's the Cakewalk way. ? I know you are only new here (relatively speaking) joining the old forums around the time of the great crash and the beginning of the ensuing uprising, I've been around since the dawn of time itself.
  19. Sidroe, make sure you get that confirmed from an 'Official' source before you go off and make any plans in your mind. ? Just to be sure
  20. One kick a.s.s plugin, worth every cent. I would suggest a demo is called for at the very least, and don't forget to try out the serial number trick ?. Subtlety. Insta Buy?
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