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Everything posted by antler

  1. Maybe the plan was to eventually migrate to Loot Audio and some work had already been put in to doing so, the Kontakt Hub SSL certificate was going to imminently expire, and it made more financial sense for them to just cut over now rather than to buy another certificate? Just random guessing...
  2. I still remember when multi-core processors were a new thing - my 'favourite' explanation/sales pitch on TV adverts was that (to paraphrase) with multiple cores, you can do multiple things at once, like listening to music while surfing the Internet
  3. antler

    JRR Shop

    They might not store credit card numbers, but they store order histories and invoices which will contain addresses etc.; to say everything is safe because they don't handle payment transactions is only half an assurance. Personally, I don't care if the site is down because it's a botched migration, they forgot to pay bills, or because a trainee destroyed the whole site trying to deploy to production for the first time: the site is down, and it would be nice if they gave a transparent (even if simplified/redacted) explanation and estimated time frame of if/when it will be restored.
  4. I've never really been a Mac user, but from what I've read Apple don't seem to care much for their existing user base when making 'progress', e.g. the 3.5mm headphone jack. I guess things becoming obsolete is the price for having a finer tuned iTunes/Logic/other-Mac-centric-software experience. Are there any statistics for Windows/Mac userbase percentage for DAW based applications? I'm guessing Windows has a larger share?
  5. Updated - thanks for the reminder @Grem
  6. Other plugins that allow you to sort of morph reverbs include MorphVerb https://unitedplugins.com/MorphVerb/ and Rematrix https://www.overloud.com/products/rematrix
  7. 'use' is a bit vague though. Unless it explicitly defines 'use' as 'install' somewhere else in the EULA, it could be that you can install it anywhere you like but that the licensee exclusively is allowed to operate a maximum of one instance at any given time - I've seen some other licenses that are like that.
  8. If they are faster, quieter, and cooler, I'm sure Apple will be happy to price the entry models at $7999. Given that people seem happy to pay for the latest, greatest iPhone, I'm fairly sure they will be happy to pay.
  9. Is this thing iLok? It doesn't look like it is (from what I can see on their website), but all of their other reverbs are so I wonder if I've missed anything.
  10. CorelDRAW 4 was my first vector art package. 2018 was the last upgrade I bought - I'm a casual user and couldn't justify the upgrade cost to 2019. Then I picked up Affinity Designer, which I probably wouldn't have done if Corel continued to offer upgrade pricing. Some things are better in Affinity Designer; some things are better in CorelDRAW. That said, I definitely prefer the licensing model for Affinity Designer.
  11. Not particularly keen on subscriptions personally - I do wish Corel hadn't eliminated upgrade pricing for CorelDraw Suite.
  12. I wonder if they did this in response to feedback from their recent survey asking for honest opinions about what users love/hate. Either way, it's a very welcome update. Thanks NI!
  13. Just out of curiosity, are you replacing all of your dongled plugins, or moving towards computer hardware based plugin tethering?
  14. If you have purchased any of the qualifying products (see link), you'll get a $50 discount. As the price is $149.99, and you can only discount up to 30% with jam points, I don't think it's worth using your jam points if you have the discount. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=9880 As it's a new product, it's unlikely to be greatly discounted during BF; you never know though.
  15. Mine had that. I suspected that there would be some kind of special offer following shortly (as they usually don't combine monthly vouchers with discount-sales), and I was right...
  16. Our BIGGEST Sale of the Year! Best of Q3 100+ Plugins Starting at $5 Brainworx, Shadow Hills, SSL, and many more! All offers end October 5, 11:59 PM California Time https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html Update: BOOM! Use Your $20 Voucher. Again! The early bird catches the worm... Your $20 Voucher has been reset! You may use this voucher (MEGA-SALE-20OFF) again during checkout! Your code can be used one more time, from now on! All offers end October 5, 11:59 PM California Time Sorry, but no..! If you haven't used the code so far, you cannot use the code twice (2x) now. But you can still use it 1x, of course. Code is valid until October 5, 11:59 PM California Time.
  17. Thanks for the video @Zo - really great walkthrough of the plugin. You mention that it's really great for laying ideas down quickly, to capture the sound in your head before you forget it - would you also consider using it in the mixing stage too? You mention some other racks that you have that are admittedly more expensive, but are you more likely to use those during mixing?
  18. I think I remember someone saying that the BYOME presets sound slightly different in TRIAD. Just something to be aware of.
  19. There's a guy sitting there, doing nothing but just staring intensely at his packet of orange juice. His friend comes along and asks what he's doing. The guy explains he's following the 'instructions' on his juice packet: concentrate --- There's a guy at the water dispenser with a cup underneath the water nozzle, shouting and swearing at the machine. Someone comes along and asks if there's a problem with the machine. The guy casually explains that he's trying to get some water - the instructions say depress button to dispense water
  20. antler

    IK VI Group Buy

    But the good news is that if you completely replace your previous hard drive, you now have a hard drive (i.e. your old one) that you can use to back up your sound files
  21. They have a free rack, Snap Heap, that lets you do effects-chains and serial/parallel processing. The value of Multipass is that it does frequency band splitting, meaning that along with their free Stereo snapin, you could something similar to what products such as Boz's Mongoose, or iZotope's O8A Imager module do; if you have any of their dynamics processor snapins, you could do multiband compression. As with everything though, YMMV.
  22. antler

    JRR Shop

    Think you might be onto something Ed - I reckon he's gone to fix up the Web shop in person ?
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