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Everything posted by antler

  1. Vernon, are you running in an incognito browser, or have a strict cookie policy? That might interfere with the Captchas. Or is it a rubbish test? I've had some that say something like click all the busses, but then give tiny dots in each square that might be a bus. As for the B3, is there any advantage to having each manual and pedals on a separate MIDI channel? You can still have separate tracks in SO, but feed them all into the same channel. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, the separate MIDI channels in Kontakt/Sample Tank are necessary as each channel usually plays a different instrument, but in this case, each manual and the pedals all play the same instrument (i.e. the single B3) don't they?
  2. Hey @Peter - IK Multimedia, not sure if IK want to rethink their one-line description of AmpliTube SVX on their website - it's probably just me, but when I first read Low-end gear collection for AmpliTube, I initially wondered why it was being described as inferior/entry-level software; then I realised it meant it was suitable for lower frequencies
  3. The acronym for Internet of Things (Internet enabled fridges and stuff like that) is IOT; take away of Things, and it looks like you're left with just I.
  4. I think Dark Prophecy is a one-day special at $68; Hybrid Tools IV looks like a slightly longer-term sale at $98
  5. Is HALion dongle free? I thought Steinberg loved their eLicenser and had all of their flagship software on it - or is only the trial dongle free?
  6. I think Vernon's right - the freebie is if you buy something > $198. If it's like their previous similar promotions, you don't add it to your basket: they just email you the serial after your purchase, in addition to your other serial(s). Also, don't forget to also use their bundle maker promotion code, if your purchase applies.
  7. Any idea how long the NewPassword coupon is available for?
  8. That limitation is mostly true of all software packages though.
  9. Forgot to mention: Authy also has a Windows desktop app, and a Chrome extension you can use if you want (in addition to your mobile); you aren't limited to only phones
  10. If you end up using 2FA, check out Authy: https://authy.com/ Some 2FA apps are tied to a single phone, meaning if you lose it, you're stuck. Authy lets you create an account, which you can share with multiple devices.
  11. One idea, as Matthew suggested, would be to use a cloud based one. LastPass often comes recommended, though there are others too. https://www.lastpass.com/ Another word of advice is to think before using the one that might come with your antivirus package - it's probably very good and safe, but if you ever change your A/V, migrating passwords is going to be a pain
  12. Maybe it's a chair, maybe it's not... Don't mean to hijack this thread, but apparently this door is ajar Not sure what it's a jar of...
  13. Add the Ethnic Choir, John Powell recorded with for SOLO A Star Wars Story, to your arsenal. Next up in line is RHODOPE 2 Ethnic Bulgarian Choir. Buy it now for 40% off the Normal Retail Price. For existing users login into your Strezov Sampling User Account and download your free update. (Discount only available until August 10) €179.40 ex VAT https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/rhodope2.html
  14. Depends on what will suit you better. If you need to record stuff, need low(er) latencies, or need the I/O ports that the interface will get you, get that. If you're doing fine with what you record with now, and would like a keyboard to learn to play keys, or trigger synths, get that. If you want both, look into something like this https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irigkeysio/?pkey=irig-keys-io-25 though I've not tried it so can't comment on quality, and I realise it's a little pricier than the amount you specified. Also, if you get the keyboard, make sure you can actually connect it, i.e. if it uses MIDI cables (as opposed to USB), make sure you have the available MIDI ports.
  15. Soundiron have lots of choir and solo libraries. Also don't forget about the Ethera series by Zero-G.
  16. How much do you need to spend with PA before you get a $50 voucher? I'll aim to not spend that much...
  17. According to Wikipedia, so while it used to be arbitrary, it is now a fixed constant (which I guess was derived from an arbitrary unit) According to this article, it's related to ancient Egyptian astronomy https://www.rd.com/article/24-hours-in-a-day/ As we've mostly become accustomed to a base-10 numerical system, time intervals might be seem easier to calculate; I wouldn't necessarily say that a base-10 time system is more logical though. According to this article, it's related to Babylonian astronomy https://news.yahoo.com/why-360-degrees-circle-heres-174537726.html
  18. I've decided that I personally don't want to go the iLok route (at least so far), and whenever I say this, people usually mention that one of the best things about it is that you just plug in the dongle wherever you go and you're authorised. I mean this as a genuine question: why is a single authorisation a problem if it's on a dongle (presumably along with iLok licenses for a multitude of other plugins) that gets plugged into whichever computer you're using?
  19. I've read that they send you a single-use $249 voucher; not sure about the monthly loyalty ones.
  20. Could you cancel, and then re-subscribe (rather than renew the subscription)?
  21. Are there any advantages to Pro? Looking at the version grid, there are two differences I don't fully understand: Thousands of editable overtones, and Note-per-note edit; that sounds to me like it can make a really unbalanced piano - detune some notes, and make some sound richer. Fun maybe, but it doesn't sound useful; am I missing something?
  22. Yeah, but you do get up to four instruments of your choosing depending on which version of the player you buy (unless you go for the everything-bundle).
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