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Everything posted by antler

  1. How about an Excel Drum Machine? (no, that isn't my video)
  2. Great chance to save on some really good libraries, even more so if you make use of their Four-for-Three offer. Includes an introductory offer on the new library Guitar Swell. Sale ends 25 October https://insessionaudio.com/
  3. antler

    Gone again!

    Have you tried either GROUP, or FORUM? ?
  4. antler

    IK Mixbox

    On the subject of plugin racks, I think Kilohearts have a nice concept too: the Snap Heap host/rack is free, and allows for serial/parallel processing. It comes with six basic plugins, and you can buy the others individually/in bundles as you need them. Each of the plugins can be used on their own, or in Snap Heap, or in (their paid-for synth) Phase Plant.
  5. Zero-G has a chart to describe the difference between the various Ethera titles https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1890/5447/files/Ethera-Collection-Chart-2.01.pdf?v=1590154162
  6. antler

    JRR Shop

    At least there's a placeholder site though... even if it does just say temporarily unavailable
  7. From Q Up Arts: https://www.quparts.com/California-Keys-Kontakt-Player-vintage-keyboards-p/calikntkt01dl.htm
  8. antler

    IK VI Group Buy

    This may sound sarcastic, but I really don't mean for it to be: they do have left handed guitars, e.g. a Yamaha Pacifica 112JL Wind controllers are cool too though
  9. https://www.magix.com/gb/music/sound-forge/sound-forge-pro/ Included as part of this offer Convology XT Complete (£399 value) MAGIX Analogue Modelling Suite Plus (£129.99 value)
  10. Is Convology XT any good? I'm seeing an upgrade to the latest Sound Forge Pro that has Convology XT Complete and MAGIX Analogue Modelling Suite Plus thrown into the bundle, and just wondering if that actually adds good value.
  11. They're mechanical disks and even though they're USB3, I think you'll feel a little regret if you use it as your samples drive. Might be good as an extra backup drive though.
  12. Anyone got this? I generally prefer non-Kontakt synths, but this one looks quite cool.
  13. Four features I personally have liked from updates since the first Windows 10 release are: Dark mode for Windows Explorer (though it would have been nice had they kept the 1 pixel accent-colour border around the window) An updated version of Calculator, with a few new features Updates to the UI to allow transparency on some of the windows Ability to link your Windows license (if it's a full license, rather than an OEM) to a Microsoft account, meaning that it's possible to transfer your license across to a new computer Of course, this is my list of features that I like; YMMV/others may feel differently/etc..
  14. It shouldn't be doing that; maybe on first log-in, but definitely not after that. Have a look in Task Manager - there's a Start-up tab that lists some of the things that start up.
  15. Doesn't seem like that much of a good deal - if I were to buy into a subscription (not particularly interested in this one), I'd at least want Melodyne Editor (though I realise iZotope probably don't have the rights to offer Celemony's highest tier software), rather than the lowest tier Essentials. Still, good for beginners I guess. Don't really care if iZotope enter a subscription model as long as they still offer perpetual licenses.
  16. Probably because they'll get anti-trust lawsuits slapped on them. Look at what happened with IE (disregard the fact that it's a rubbish browser) - they included it with Windows and were then forced to put in a 'choose your browser' thinggy after it got too popular.
  17. Isn't that more to do with the people who wrote the non-unicode programs, rather than Windows itself? I'm guessing Mac users find themselves in a similar situation when they upgrade to the latest version of Mac OS, and then realise their existing software isn't compatible.
  18. I want 127 velocity layers with 16 round robins, sampled at 24bit/48kHz... and a new hard drive...
  19. I think that's when you get the option of choosing whether or not you want to monetise your videos
  20. Let me guess... $499, or FREE with the MEGA BUNDLE subscription; added with NO EXTRA COST!
  21. Thanks Reid - very informative as usual. PS. +1 sub to your channel from me
  22. I think it's usually November - could be wrong though
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