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Everything posted by antler

  1. antler

    Jamstix Sale

    The x64 version works for me in Studio One. You've probably already tried this, but maybe try disabling all other plugins (maybe it conflicts with another one)?
  2. antler

    Jamstix Sale

    I just downloaded the free version and had a play around; it seems really impressive. I've not used it for long so this is probably a dumb question, but how do I get it to play a drum part that I write? Would I write a basic groove, export it to a MIDI file, and then import it again as a style? If that's the case, would I typically keep it short (e.g. 4 bars); or would I write a full 16 bar verse and use that as the MIDI style? And then do I repeat for the chorus? Sorry for so many questions; just trying to understand how it works
  3. I'm pretty excited for this one. The only orchestral percussion library I have at the moment that spans the whole range is GPO 5, and while it's good, the SDX seems much more comprehensive.
  4. What would be the typical usage for Satin? Is it something that you put onto the master bus, or is it something that you put onto each track (like a console emulator)? if the latter, how is it for CPU usage, and how does it compare with Overloud Tapedesk?
  5. antler

    "The Arrival"

    Thanks everyone: glad you enjoyed listening. I really didn't know another piece existed that was so similar; guess I was just following the notes of the chords. I had fun creating this anyway.
  6. Very cool tune. Thanks for sharing.
  7. antler

    "The Arrival"

    Thanks LadyFuzztail, though I'm not quite sure what you mean; do you think another vocal would be better, or that the vocal part could be arranged more suitably?
  8. antler

    "The Arrival"

    Thanks everyone; glad you enjoyed listening. Hi Tom. It was a virtual instrument library; probably isn't fair to name names. Hi Kuusniemi. I hadn't heard Adagio in D Minor before (or that I could remember), but you're right: there is a very close similarity. Having said that, it occurred to me after finishing it that it reminded me of another piece of music that features in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. No plagiarism consciously intended. Thanks for the comments; always good to know how I can improve my mixes.
  9. antler

    "The Arrival"

    Hi Everyone This song started life as the soundtrack for a trailer scoring competition for a certain product. Nothing much came of it, and I thought I'd pad it out a little more rather than let it go to waste. Comments welcome; hope you enjoy! YouTube or SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ant-832623685/the-arrival
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