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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. Larry T.

    Europa - video

    Excellent music and video....enjoyed seeing the Monolith again, it's been a while ????
  2. I agree jack....the bass guitar tone/sound is not right either....I am going to redo this whole song as it is a shortened edit and I really am not satisfied with the work I did on it....the song deserves better from me....thanks for listening to it and your comments ????
  3. Hi Kevin....enjoyed the whole song very much....especially your lead guitar sound....it's exactly what I aim for, clean, precise, serves the song....the piece moves along very nice with a comfortable vibe that really kept me listening ????
  4. Hi Steve.... very good song, production, playing, mix...XTC's best work came to mind while enjoying it....the video is very good as well ????
  5. Hello RDB....musically outstanding....the keyboard and trumpet parts virtually carried the piece all the way through....the playing never strayed into unnecessary territory....understated and elegant....the video was great too ????
  6. Hello jack....your prolific output of conceptually distinguished songs is amazing....your chops on the sequencer are getting better all the time....your rhythmic creativity is never-ending....the only suggestion I have is to maybe vary your production sounds to create a diverse sonic vocabulary....what I mean by that is that if you listen to The Who's Tommy next to Quadrophenia the sonic difference is huge....Tommy was more conservative whereas Quadrophenia was much more wide and dynamic ????
  7. Hello Douglas....very, very well done....I like the drums (are they real drums or did you write on the DAW??)....great mix....great playing....great song....great arrangement ????
  8. Updated December 3, 2021: Greetings All....here is the finished version https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/seems-like-forever-ambient-pop-music ....thanks for listening, all observations, suggestions and critiques welcome ???? DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab lite, CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3 Special Thanks to Mike at Creative Sauce on You Tube whose incredible videos on how to use CbB made this possible
  9. Hi freddy....put a smile or two on my face....reminds me of the great Dr. Demento....I don't know how many people here are old enough to remember him and all the classic comedy he brought to us....here is his website https://www.drdemento.com/ Check out songs Iike Pico and Sepulveda by Felix Figueroa and his Orchestra, Springtime for ***** by Mel Brooks, Wet Dream by Kip Addotta, Transfusion by Nervous Norvus and They're Coming to Take Me Away by Napoleon XIV....by all means....carry on ????
  10. Thanks David....enjoy your compositions also....I like to keep the music simple, clear and listenable without any clutter????
  11. Thanks noynekker....I enjoyed I've Been Running as well ?? I've always liked Ian Anderson's of Jethro Tull acoustic guitar playing so probably had some of that going on when writing the piece....Tull was always partial to minstrel/Renaissance playing....I love a lot of that stuff too....????
  12. Thanks Nigel. Glad you liked it. I played the guitars and bass with the wood jobs, the rest is CbB stock plug ins. I enjoyed I Want to Have It Easy very much too ????
  13. Very well done ambient piece ????
  14. Hi jsg....pretty perfect....you guys that combine classical, opera and synths into your compositions so well....i find that so refreshing....enjoyed very much ????
  15. Hi Kevin....never got into Hawkwind nor ever heard High Rise but like your cover....imo guitar needs to be brought up....the rest is balanced pretty darn well ????
  16. Hello Lorych....conjures eighties Brit synth pop perfectly....well done ????
  17. Hello noynekker....very good song....i like the drums/rhythm feel you have in the song very much ????
  18. Larry T.

    Joyful Memories

    Hello antler....nice tune that successfully creates its name ????
  19. Hello Walt....very nice, love the groove through out the song....the voice clips work....enjoyed it very much ????
  20. Another great job Tom....musically and visually....steely dan meets pink floyd kind of feeling imho....Walt has a very nice touch on the guitar....enjoyed the whole experience very much ????
  21. Well done!!!!....holy mackerel jack....that is some prince-apallooza....the musical turns you wrote in there totally work ????
  22. Los Angeles, CA....where even a squirrel can get a good slice of pizza ????
  23. Larry T.


    Very nice, indeed....the guitar has its own important place in the piece....the sweeping synths all contribute nicely....the tasteful sequencer work you have in there is perfect....i like the piece very much ????
  24. yes....well, there are only two rhythm guitars in the song, both flanged and electric with one on right and one on left, i did automate them quite heavily in terms of volume and the difference in how they sound and, therefore, effect the song in different ways is huge....if this isn't it let me know a specific time in the piece, please....ummmm, the piano isn't, lol, it's a MIDI from the Arturia minilab mkII controller running the Pop Grand Piano (iirc) from the free vst suite Analog Lab Lite that comes with it and was written on the piano roll as i can't play piano much at all....
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