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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. ohh...ok...well, before i record any guitar or bass i always tune to correct pitch with my guitar tuner so as to not have pitch issues later....so, i am pretty sure all the guitars are correctly tuned, i did use a whammy bar a bit on both the left and right guitars ????
  2. Well done....the intro, to me anyway, invokes the sweet's "ballroom blitz"....the arrangements of the horns are killer....enjoyed it ????
  3. Extremely well done, enjoyed very much....echoes of mike oldfield, eno, tangerine dream....question if you have time, did you use Melodyne for the female opera voice?? ????
  4. Larry T.

    Fiddle Tune

    Well done bjornpdx....i used to listen to a lot of Celtic music a few years ago....Altan, Old Blind Dogs, Loreena McKennitt....and have a lot of love for that genre....your tune is great....enjoyed it very much ????
  5. Larry T.

    September Nights

    hello Makke....well done....love the whammy bar in this....i used it in my last song too....if you don't mind my asking, did you use a click track on this tune??....up until i started using a DAW i never used click tracks but now, if i don't the drums seem to have a mind of their own....enjoyed your song ????
  6. nice job freddy j....such a timeless style of music....you have a very good voice....very cool song....and, for what it's worth....i have been to ft. meyers for work at the Army Base and experienced the weather in that part of the country and it's exactly like you sing about ????
  7. Larry T.


    hello jack c....this is a varied piece of sounds, indeed....as well as the lyrics....personally, i like cats, but i don't really trust them....anyway, the tempo and musical shifts are quirky and fit the mood of the song perfectly....the lyrics are a narrative of questions, answers, revelations and resolve....i am reminded of the work of zappa, they might be giants, tom waits....so, i think you did a great job of creating a piece of music that is not ordinary, has a special kind of charm and engages the listener....personally, i am a sucker for good melodies but i respect the sudden mood shifts you employ in parts of the song....by all means, carry on!!!! ?️???
  8. Thank You freddy j....at some point during its creation i realized i had to keep the song relaxing, calm, slow and peaceful....but, as jack c. also said, i will sure think about more instruments and melodies to put it in a happier place ????
  9. Thank You for listening jack c.....i don't know what you mean by "out of a 440"....please let me know, the echo you mean??....i will sure think about some additional instrumentation...and, you are correct, the bass guitar does need to be a bit louder....i'm being very careful with the bass as i don't want it to overpower the other instruments ????
  10. Thank You very much jwnicholson78....i, too, am not sure what ambient pop music is but it seemed to be what i would call silver and cold...truth is i am having the hardest time getting used to the DAW drums....every day a little better....so, in the meantime just making songs with the tools that i can somewhat use ????
  11. Extremely well done mark...really like this....i was just watching a video last week on nashville tuning and have to give it a go soon....i went through a phase of listening to a lot of Celtic artists like Altan, Old Blind Dogs and Loreena McKennitt...perhaps you may find them as inspiring as I did...or, you probably already have!!!! ????
  12. so....here is my third attempt at creating a song with CbB....this is Silver and Gold....it's ambient pop music....by all means, carry on.... https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/silver-and-gold-ambient-pop-music CbB, pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric guitar, bass guitar, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab lite, CbB effects.
  13. yes, really liked that....music, video, concept....well done, indeed ????
  14. Larry T.


    actually, production and mix levels....they're really a matter of personal taste, so if you are satisfied with that then that is all that matters....and, truthfully, after i listened a few more times they do sound good....??️??
  15. Larry T.


    good melody....nice synth touches...your falsetto rocks....needs to be polished up as far as production/mix levels....?️???
  16. real nice....i hear the Santana influence...also allman brothers (at times the allman brothers had more than a little Santana in their sound....at least to my ears)....early Traffic as well ????
  17. very good work....love male and female vocals on a song....the "eleanor rigby" strings are great....????
  18. Larry T.

    My Home Town

    nice song jack....i like the melody...did you see my email yet??....i found the answer to the LUFS issue ....?️???
  19. great job....i like it....21st century eighties sounds....
  20. Well done....very nice song, production, vocals, playing, mix, arrangement ??️??
  21. greetings....anyone have a take on the best free electric to acoustic guitar plug in?? tia ????
  22. very nice PJH....intro has a great cinematic feel....john carpenter, angelo badalamenti....before moving on to the more rock sections....excellent production, instrument tones and playing....????
  23. i had a similar problem at first as well....turns out it was more than one item causing distortion, no dynamics....my microphones are very old and needed contact cleaner inside and out to get the cable to send a clear signal...also, my mic cables were bad, contact cleaner helped some but wound up buying new cables....now, if your problems are happening using MIDI then you may, if haven't already, grab a few ideas from creative sauce you tube videos...here's a few....here is one on mastering with CbB: Here is one on Mixing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXdZZkN71Tw&list=PLx3ss4AKhMVfrq4PnTiYcMAQdTPWUE7ce&index=58 Here is one on Mixing with Automation (this one is invaluable) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6dgnpQwQC4&list=PLx3ss4AKhMVfrq4PnTiYcMAQdTPWUE7ce&index=59 Mastering and Exporting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6dgnpQwQC4&list=PLx3ss4AKhMVfrq4PnTiYcMAQdTPWUE7ce&index=59
  24. the guitar was recorded on the boss rc5 loop pedal as a .wav file and imported in to CbB which is just laziness on my part as i didn't want to start completely from scratch. Ionia was done the same way. i agree it needs eq and compression and more work/redo's. Thank You for the nice words ????
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