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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Peter, Paul & Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon
  2. Queen - Dragon Attack (Like how I wrapped these around in a circle? ?)
  3. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
  4. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Elbow
  5. Wait... So ar se is another censored word here??? Wow... ?
  6. Well... this thread made it to page 777! ?
  7. I wish I could comment on just how accurate that statement is! (Let's just say I'm not a fan of jealous extraterrestrial dragons and leave it at that!)
  8. When wondering whether to post or not, it's common to ask WWBD? Then post ten or more times. ?
  9. I tried searching for all of Bapu's posts but, for some reason, I couldn't even find more than 10 or 15 thousand! ? ?
  10. Just to be clear, eating fat should not be a trigger to have foods that are bad for you in other ways! Pizza (which I LOVE) is a great example. It's NOT the (good) fat that's the problem, it's the grains (which turn into sugar in your body), the bad oils used, the cured meats, the bad fat and all the non-food chemicals that are used to make it look and taste better. Eating uncured, sugar-free becan is NOT bad for you! Gold level eggs are some of the absolute best things you could possible eat. Unfortunately, pretty much all food advise that's been put out there by corrupt organizations masquerading as official sources is just about the exact opposite of what's healthy. Following their advise IS a great way to end up on treatments for the rest of your life and make the pharmaceutical industry trillions (with a "T") of dollars of profit. A while back I posted about the poison that some people use as an artificial sweetener, Aspartame. Someone yelled B.S.! and posted a reply video of a supposed chemist saying it was good for you. Although I didn't point it out back then (but probably should have), they didn't notice that the video was created by the same people who sell the crap. People are easily programmed (it's what the bulk of my PhD work showed me), and not easily unprogrammed. They can spend, literally, a few minutes listening to someone who claims to be an expert and believe it fully even when that "expert" is either an actor dressed up as a doctor or the highest paid Federal employee. Yet, when confronted with someone else who has spent hundreds of hours researching the subject, they give the triggered response they were programmed to provide. Without going too much farther down this very important rabbit hole, I'll just give one more example. All Google search results are designed to provide whatever narrative those in control want people to think. 99.99% of all real results have now been censored with what used to be (supposedly) millions of results pared down to only 500 and most of those are official repeats (go test this yourself; try searching for something like "pizza" and count the actual results!). On top of this, they provide "fact checkers" however, since few tend to look into things anymore, few notice that the so-called "fact-checking" sites are actually paid for by the exact same people who are lying to you in the first place. In case you haven't noticed, almost all of the people that have been declared a nutjob have been right almost 100%! Wake up and get back to thinking for yourself! No, I DON'T want you to just believe me! I want you to wake the f*** up and start questioning all of these corrupt "official" idiots telling you what's real. Go do you own research using whatever resources you can (the Brave browser won't grab your info and censor you, but it still has to rely on results from Google, Bing, etc.). It's not easy, but that's on purpose. Yes, you're told NOT to question what they say and that should be a HUGE clue. Go ask questions! Lots of them! All of that out of the way, the worst health issue I've had happened after a four-day fast when I stupidly ate a full meal with meat followed by an entire bag of beef jerky! That gave me four(!) days of absolute hell that felt like I was trying to pass stones. What you have before, during and after a fast are very important. This is why I must recommend watching this doctor's videos; they are very informative and easy to understand! https://www.youtube.com/@drekberg
  11. Philistines Encourage Negativity In Strummy! ?
  12. Evidently, he invited too much drama into his band and got burnt.
  13. Wow Dave! What a buzz-kill you are! Next you'll be telling us that Al Gore didn't invent the internet??! ? ??
  14. Those look like hardware Nigel! I'll still go for the software in the first pic. ?
  15. With International Talk Like a Pirate Day coming up next month (on the 19th), it got me thinking of Pirated software... I'm prepared to be boarded! ? Be sure to get hooked on the keyboard too! ? (So, how can you tell if someone's a pirate? They just arrrr! ? ) And, to make it musical...
  16. People used to like headroom in their music, however this is what makes good Classical music so hard to hear in your car (the road noise drowns out the quieter sections). Since I grew up on Classical, I tend to find music made overly loud just sounds squished and lacks character. But, different strokes for different folks as they say. That said, here's what's been done to one album over the years:
  17. Do they have teenagers still living in their Mom's basement coming up with the names for these things??? ?
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