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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Plus, eating too many prunes may cause a type of explosion, ya? ? I wonder if that's what grounded this flight? ? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/06/delta-diarrhea-flight-spain
  2. For full disclosure, I didn't have the nerve to actually listen. My gut instinct was to avoid the cringe, but I thought it needed to be reported! ?
  3. Had time to watch through the first song (Freedom) and will DEFINITELY be watching more later today! Big Iron Maiden vibe on that first song! (Hope that's a compliment Tim! ?) I could never play like that; my guitars aren't pointy enough... ? Are those scalloped frets? I was laughing because your other guitarist just looks more like a nerd on guitar than a heavy metal guy. ? Awesome song and playing! I've got clients coming over (doing website design today) so I'll have to get them out ASAP!
  4. I hear many adult beverages were consumed in the studio! (Metamucil and Ensure. ? )
  5. If this keeps up, Kenny's power supply might fry too! ?
  6. I think Keef has realized that his retirement fund is only going to last another 130 years and thought he'd better pad it while Mick's still alive. ?
  7. I'm LMAO! ? Decided to try a Music Map to see who they were like and... I don't recognize ANY of the bands around them either!!! ? https://www.music-map.com/the+mystery+lights
  8. Had a chance to go back for a listen. Now I'm trying to figure out who they sound like! I had never heard of them before but, like Nigel, enjoyed that sample. Kind of like 60's psychedelic meets surf punk. Ok, that will bug me for awhile! LOL.
  9. Cinderella - Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone) (A band not known for their grammar and spelling evidently... ?)
  10. Hmm... Just tried and I can't find ANY of mine! Maybe I just dreamed that I've bought every version since Cakewalk v.1.0? ?
  11. Are they accessible here too? ?
  12. Personally, I would never try to eat that! ? (Not enough becan! ?)
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