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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Eloy - Rainbow (Been listening to the Eloy discography the last few days! ?)
  2. Can I nominate this the first helpful Zombie thread? ?
  3. Back when skirting around vulgarity was funny instead of just being vulgar.
  4. Better get a shovel Kenny! Looks like your interface left some artifacts on the track! ?
  5. If you use the Bapu filter I hear it makes you look like a minor! ?
  6. So, am I supposed to reply with my same comment about a floating bridge in this thread too Bob? ?
  7. I played darts at very high levels going back to 1979. I stopped playing during the Covid BS when the league went to using cameras and staying at home (and the tournaments were put on hold). I've only played once since (about three years now). Humans weren't meant to be isolated. That said, I also don't believe that forcing everyone to go into an office for set hours every day of the work week is the most productive either! I'm much more in favor of having a couple of "in office" days for all that that type of interaction, then working from home on the other days. Right now, I work for myself from home and it doesn't matter when I work so, when I'm awake I get a lot done and when I'm tired I take a nap! I get WAAAAY more done in less time than if I were in an office! So much so that I only charge by the project and never by the hour.
  8. Not sure what filters you're referring to, but I think lighting is the most important when filming certain older folks. For example, if there's no lights on at all, you won't have to see how old they look, right? ?
  9. Does that make today Un-Boxing Day then? ?
  10. Why not go Pro and get a SoundBlaster? Anything else will just be all crash in the loudspeaker! ?
  11. (Actually, the rocket was meant to go right under the three rocket-related posts but, when it went to a new page, I thought I'd be nostalgic! ?)
  12. Kenny and I are about 20 minutes to Heaven (the great Pacific Northwest outdoors) and Hell (Downtown Portland)! ?
  13. Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home)
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