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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Do they EVER die at a convenient time???! ?
  2. Ok, so Scott Adams had the year off by 20+, but still! ?
  3. I don't hate Apple but, as a tech guy, they're a bitch to work with! Many of the lower level type things we need to do are not available "to protect the user!" plus the operating systems auto-expire requiring you to buy the latest OS to keep going. Then there's the extra costs just because. They are shiny though... ?
  4. ? (Still impressed, I just got rid of my last old laptop that was running Windows 7, the others had all stopped working years ago!)
  5. Spoiler! They're ALL named Molly! ? I kept waiting to see if she would try using a stomp with bare feet... OW!
  6. No, I'd rather just have a nice, long nap. ?
  7. A kiss may begin with "k" but ugly begins with "u?" ?
  8. Ugh! Too early for me with that one! I'll try this... "sees" > CC's... 10 CC's - I'm Not In Love
  9. After that tow truck, I don't want to see an asphalt truck!
  10. Well, I started out with nothing and still have most of it left! ?
  11. This guy has always impressed me. Hard to say he's not a true musician! https://youtu.be/IOyEw9bT8yQ?si=_yIcefOoWZb4UIex (No idea why YouBoob isn't embedding these links! I guess farts are taboo... ?)
  12. Reminds me of a CD I got for my birthday many years ago called Pull My Finger! It had 99 Cuts... ??
  13. They look like a lot of trombone cases, so I'll go with Bone Henge!
  14. Sorry, YouBoob being stupid and won't embed the video. Here's the stink, er, I mean the link! ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gf3CaOblmI
  15. Have another! Sneaker Pimps - Spin Spin Sugar
  16. Sneaker Pimps - Six Underground (The singer's name is Kelli Ali.)
  17. Ironically, I was just listening to this song!
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