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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Epiphone's seem to need a lot done and every Schecter I've seen, for some reason, needed the input jack replaced! However, the rest of the guitar (Schecter) was very playable. Like mettelus said, the frets usually need some TLC as some can be very sharp on the edges (heck, I've tried many flippin' Gibson's that had that issue too!).
  2. The best inexpensive guitars that I know of (meaning friends have actually bought them and were surprised at how good they were; not Chinese crap) are Agile guitars. They're now currently sold through Rondo and I also don't know about their lefty options. Here's the website: https://www.rondomusic.com/electricguitar.html
  3. I'm actually eating a becan and cheese omelet while I'm reading this forum right now! ?
  4. Hey Angus, wanna do a song in the key of A? Sure Malcolm!
  5. *Pfft!* Those secret places don't even exist! Don't believe me? Just ask them! ?
  6. Well, I wouldn't take her to a theater if I were you! Just sayin'... ?
  7. Um, ever try Newegg? I've definitely had my best luck with them! https://www.newegg.com/
  8. So you're saying you like him? ?
  9. I don't know if I have any pictures but, when I was doing some voice-overs for a trade-show video I simply used moving blankets clipped to things like a mobile laundry hanging rack. Made for excellent gobos!
  10. When the power grid goes down for several months, the data on your hard drives will not rank very high on your concerns! Just sayin'...
  11. One thing I preach and need to get on a t-shirt is "Moderation in everything except moderation!" Applies to all areas of life.
  12. It's now very rare that I sleep a long time contiguously. About once a month I'll have a 12-hour marathon sleep session. Sleep cycles are about 90 minutes for everyone which is why you can get a lot of sleep and wake up out-of-cycle and still feel tired; or get less sleep and wake up on-cycle and feel great. I generally have two or three sleep sessions a day now. Last night is a good example: I slept from 9 pm until midnight (two cycles), then was up for three hours (two cycles), then back to sleep until 7:30 am (three cycles). I ended up getting 7.5 hours of sleep (the so-called "8-hours" which they include falling to sleep and waking up in). My naps are... wait for it... usually 90 minutes. Works great for me, not so much for employers! ? That said, I'm VERY productive this way since I'm never forcing myself to stay awake to get work done, nor am I uselessly tossing and turning in bed because I can't sleep. YMMV! ?
  13. Sounds like he has more challenges than just laundry! ?
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