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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Heh... This was mine! Perfect for travel with a Line 6 kidney pod. I never had to check it in at the airport since it fit in the overhead easily.
  2. RIP Sods! (I assume this is a graveyard for sods, ya?)
  3. Not sure I'd be thankful for guitars without most of their necks though! ? ?
  4. Had the first big spammer last night that I've seen since the forum software was updated. 59 posts in two minutes! ? Thanks for taking care of it! ??
  5. *Somewhere Nigel is laughing at your attempts to catch up!* ?
  6. Cher - Half-Breed I guess you could go to U2 next with a Bono to Bono connection... ?
  7. I'd say you did! Mine was flippin' awesome! NO noise. (Are you sure you didn't accidentally get the "student" model? ?)
  8. Oh, man! Now I've got to start a new list!!! ?
  9. Turned this into a solution. ?
  10. I only regret the posts I've made that may have included vowels, consonants, emojis, links and images.
  11. What, you don't recognize Axel Rose??? ?
  12. My first guitar: A Hondo Jimmy Page Les Paul look-alike. Great for taking pictures with or swinging at small animals. Just don't try to learn how to play guitar with it! When I was able to get a REAL 1976 Les Paul, the Hondo was literally given to Goodwill since I couldn't justify even selling it for $20 without feeling like I was screwing someone over! LOL.
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