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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Not sure where you learned that formula, but that's looks a lot easier than (72°F − 32) × 5/9 = 22.222°C!
  2. Ah, that explains things! There's been a bunch where we've thought "There's no way Ed would post something like that!" Yep, blame the phone. ?
  3. Both excellent! Rick goes REALLY deep into songs and Adam is just a complete music nerd.
  4. A few more years and maybe you'll get your Becan radio license too??? ?
  5. I once worked briefly on the flight system for the Tomahawk missile while at a Defense Contractor, so I guess I'm almost a Rocket Scientist, ya? I also created the fuzzy-logic programming used by Verizon to synchronize calls as they bounce from cell tower to cell tower (no, "MY" code was not responsible for dropped calls! ?). Oh yeah, I also wrote the ladder logic used to control wind turbines for Parker Hannifin and corrected a wind power formula posted on a General Electric website. What else would you expect from someone who knows Pi to the first zero and Logarithmic E to 20 digits? ?
  6. Sorry, I'm just not going to post the Fifth Dimension's Age of Aquarius (I have my reasons!). ?
  7. I'm always learning using online education, I just haven't done much in the music world with it (yet!). Mine are all tech., math, physics and self-improvement. LOTS and LOTS of excellent stuff out there now!
  8. At first I thought the first image on that site was representative of what was left of the composers... If I was making music for them, I'd tell them to go get stuffed.
  9. Comparisons not withstanding, he does an excellent job! I'm liking the tone on that Fender too. ?
  10. To paraphrase Denzel Washington, "If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. But, if you do watch the news, you're misinformed!" Ok, I'll quit now. Don't want to get this thread locked by an over-zealous mod.
  11. Looks like one of S.L.I.P.'s album covers! ?
  12. And then there's always Dads embarrassing their sons... (In this case Marilyn Manson's.)
  13. I still think they're in the far minority, however they seem to be getting all the attention now-a-days so they appear to be a bigger problem than they are. There's plenty of good out there! Time to shift the focus if you ask me.
  14. I'm still getting the message that crime actually does pay here... ?
  15. Hi, Bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa pork chop alcatra shoulder strip steak short loin. Beef chislic porchetta picanha short ribs tri-tip brisket. Shankle short loin filet mignon tongue. Tri-tip ham hock pastrami, ham burgdoggen tongue salami. Shank prosciutto chuck cupim burgdoggen buffalo. Turducken pork belly ham ground round strip steak, turkey burgdoggen tail chuck short ribs. Kevin beef ribs turducken shank ball tip cupim jowl rump. Cow ribeye strip steak pork chop, biltong porchetta leberkas. Drumstick shank pork ground round pastrami chislic tongue spare ribs bacon ball tip sausage short ribs alcatra pork chop tri-tip. Meatloaf pork kielbasa, beef ribs hamburger kevin short loin. Leberkas tail cupim sausage brisket sirloin tri-tip turkey shankle shank. Venison tail flank spare ribs beef pork chop. Rump jerky leberkas t-bone. Ball tip turducken corned beef, pig tail andouille ham jowl ground round landjaeger venison sausage strip steak. Corned beef flank jowl, short ribs short loin turkey venison pork belly. Ham hock beef alcatra andouille beef ribs kielbasa biltong venison kevin porchetta brisket ribeye frankfurter. Pork shoulder bresaola chislic, pig alcatra jowl ham tri-tip cupim ribeye short ribs t-bone short loin. Spare ribs landjaeger ribeye t-bone filet mignon. Buffalo cow hamburger salami. Ribeye pork loin leberkas beef burgdoggen sirloin pancetta ham hock ham t-bone alcatra. Short loin meatball tenderloin short ribs beef burgdoggen. Capicola corned beef andouille brisket kielbasa porchetta kevin boudin flank. Rump hamburger leberkas turducken capicola cupim, ground round sausage short ribs pork chop frankfurter burgdoggen chuck ball tip doner. Burgdoggen bacon tri-tip jerky andouille shank hamburger ball tip capicola filet mignon ham hock drumstick brisket pork belly t-bone. Rump sausage drumstick shankle, beef ribs sirloin jowl porchetta ribeye ground round tri-tip ham pork belly ball tip. Ribeye alcatra shankle corned beef. Short loin fatback chislic leberkas.
  16. Which leads to one of my favorite JP (Peter Green cover) songs to play on guitar! (I even played the drums on this one before.)
  17. Goes well with all the unicorn threads too...
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