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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Probably off being "moderated" again. ?
  2. My Mom's 91 too. That's a good life!
  3. An old bull and a young bull are on top of a hill looking down at the herd. "Let's run down an **** a cow!" says the young bull. "No, let's walk down and **** all the cows." replies the old bull. ?
  4. You missed a few required items, but it's not for me to say (just watch almost any sitcom on the air right now to fill in the rest). ?
  5. craigb

    Days Won?

    Yep. Bapu got to keep his old post total from the old forum (because he's Bapu!). I lost over 44k during the transition, but Bapu saved them and gave them to me in his forum. Good thing post-count matters not, ya? ?
  6. I hope just watching that counts as a workout!
  7. None of the guys here need to meet a gold-digging female to watch their money disappear. We already have CC Larry! ?
  8. He used to have money, then he got caught with Am...
  9. I must say, that does look freakin' awesome! Except I would have gone with a Lazy Boy and a larger TV. ?
  10. He runs off at the mouth anyway (which is very similar to when someone gets the runs). I can't help but giggle that he calls himself a genius, yet his reported IQ is less than half of mine. (FWIW, I don't put much value in the so-called IQ numbers - there's so much more to intelligence IMO.) That said, saying Kanye's as dumb as a rock is insulting to rocks. ?
  11. craigb

    Days Won?

    *Pfft!* What a n00b! ? Not even a tenth of my total (but mine's not even a tenth of CC Larry!!! ? )
  12. This fred is soooo yesterday.
  13. Yes, two finger solos really don't impress anyone. ?
  14. It always baffled me why people change their strings soon after they stop going out of tune... ?
  15. Wait... You're supposed to clean your strings? ? I guess I misunderstood when they said to "play some dirty chords!" ? (Side-note: My experiment with Elixers also ended with the coating coming off. Let's just say you don't want them for songs that require a pick-slide, ya? ?)
  16. Kylie to Motorhead... Didn't see that coming! ?
  17. Life is not for wimps! Stay strong Paul!
  18. Eh, as someone who has never smoked anything ever, I've got a pretty boring definition. ? That said, 3C 273 is my favorite track off the new album so far! ?
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