I couldn't help but chuckle at the cameraman's attempts to give the drummer and bass player some equal time. ?
(I'll also never understand what makes someone as cute and talented as she is cover herself with ugly graffiti... *Sigh...* ?)
I met her once in a nightclub down in San Diego (1984-ish?). She had hair similar to the video except one side was completely white and the other was completely black.
Haven't gone in a long time... There's one somewhat close (about 10 miles away I believe).
(Note that I like to substitute the lettuce and tomato for more becan, of course!) ?
I can't even imagine eating one of their one pound burgers though! ?
I know I can't stop watching it!
I also can't imagine just how hard it must have been to do it that perfect (or how many times the try ended in a miserable failure)! ?