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Everything posted by craigb

  1. After once spending more research time and effort trying to figure out what genres (and sub-genres) there are and where they come from (thousands of them!) then I would for a college term paper, I mostly ignore the vast majority of them. I like to keep things organized, so when I started to import all of my music collection (well over 350,000 songs now), I wanted some way to categorize them. I finally settled on 25 "parent" genres and 278 sub-genres. I have a matrix that maps any other sub-genre to one of those.
  2. I didn't have time before, but then I discovered you can actually play more than one at the same time if they're on the same page. That made things go a lot quicker! I must say though, you guys listen to a lot of weird stuff! ?
  3. Ok @Wibbles, what do you think of this??? I wish the ones that couldn't be included were, but... Anyway, I'm off to look for the whole list. ?
  4. Makes sense. Reminds me of a guy on my dart team. He went to Starbucks and, when the girl asked for his name, he said "it's Marc with a 'C'." His cup (which he photographed and texted to us) ended up with "Cark" on it.
  5. Hey Kenny, Jessica wants to know if you like brunettes too. ?
  6. (Note that the "Me" line came from someone else. I usually get decent results! ? )
  7. Man am I having 70's flashbacks!
  8. Hey, hey, hey! Look who's back from DanziLand! He must have been Somewhere Lost In Time! ? Ok, that's one back... Who's next??? ?
  9. I didn't know until after moving up here that the original Hollywood was (and still is) up near Portland. I don't find either to be interesting though...
  10. Thought I'd S.L.I.P. this one in... ?
  11. At least that's what I read "somewhere!" ? Have a great day! ?? You get one more year as a punk kid and then you'll be the same decade with Strummy and me. ?
  12. We might have our third 100 degree day in a row. That's a bit toasty for up here!
  13. I walked up to the airline ticket counter with my two suitcases and asked if they could fly me to Orlando, but send one suitcase to Detroit and the other to Chicago. They said "I'm sorry Sir, but we can't do that!" To which I replied, "Why not? That's what you did last time!"
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