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Everything posted by craigb

  1. But, if I were to play live, only the bottom case in this pic was really needed:
  2. It can be almost religious to some... ?
  3. Off of the first rock and roll album I ever bought! ?
  4. That went over easy. ? (Which is rare!?)
  5. A three-peat! Consider yourselves mooned! ? (Yeah, I could have kept going, but dinner is ready! ?)
  6. May I offer you some monitors in mint condition then? ?
  7. So tempting to put the Hobbit song here... (Shirelles > The Shire). ?
  8. I think I'll just ignore posting that the real science shows that the Earth is always in cycles of cold to warm and back and that we're reaching the top of one of the warm cycles soon. Next up: Another ice age. Yay. Once the oceans warm up to a certain temperature, the flow between the Artic and Atlantic (at least) ends and both turn very cold. Oh, and all of this would have happened regardless of anything humans have done. Some of the volcanic eruptions in history have put far more crud into the atmosphere than all of the industrial age! Sure, we're not helping things, but Nature doesn't care about political agendas.
  9. Will listen later. Thought I'd post a YouBoob link for others who might be interested! ?
  10. I thought it was great except that one note ruined it for me... ? . . . (The last one that ended the song! ?)
  11. Where's the "*Stolen from Notes back on page 30!*" disclaimer? ? (Although I DO still like that one. ?)
  12. But who would want a house made out of vacuum cleaners??? ? ?
  13. As soon as I signed up for the Lifetime Upgrades they freaked out and got rid of the company!!!
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