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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I get that. Just still weird for there to be none . So weird that they don't even have the old ones. I know the old ones they released shortly after x1 don't load consistently in later versions, but you would think someone could at the very least alter those to load . for beginners it was a good starting point
  2. Fairlight has always made grossly overpriced products that people who could afford them swore by.
  3. What about it brings you to that conclusion? Not disputing. Just fact finding. I suspect it might be damn good with hardware, but never tried.
  4. *I placed under "Deals" because there is a free version* The Fairlight aspect of Davinci is powerful. I own paid version for video work( worth the upgrade), but rarely use audio part beyond the basics because of workflow. I do get asked about free DAW alternatives. I usually recommend Cakewalk for Windows users, but I know Mac and Linux users too. Every now and then Fairlight gets mentioned and I am hesitant to recommend despite some great features ( the vocal isolation is impressive being one example) Have any of you actually attempted to use Fairlight as a DAW? I can already say that some of the best features are not in free version but third party plugins make up for that. I'm sure I would like it a lot better if I had the $5000 dollar control unit?
  5. It showed $29 for me but not sure if I would use it
  6. I hope you didn't get the impression I was arguing about it. More like food for thought. I wasn't even trying to get you to change your mind. Just things to consider. I didn't see this as a right or wrong issue. I also apologize for being lazy in my wording. "AI" is not so much the problem as the abuse of it is. Youtube's reporting system is broken and people are using ai to identify songs they used same(licensed) sample for . I agree a lot of these problems are solvable. One way to fix some of these issues is for companies that sell sample packs to do a better job of making sure companies are not simply processing same samples and reselling them. I'm sure most of us have countless copies of the same drum samples with slightly different processing and renamed.
  7. When pro channel was first introduced there were a lot of presets. You would think this place would be loaded with them. Maybe we should make a challenge or something.
  8. The "two programs" thing is not as bad as it sounds because one is simply a means of grabbing actual songs to reference, something you would have to do anyway. With traditional route you are limited to songs you actually own( for those of us doing things legally), but audiolens expands selection. Of course this only is a "bargain" if you obtained audiolens for free.
  9. I use Metric A/B but mostly because it's the first of these type of products that got offered to me at a low low sale price. I have been experimenting with using the Ozone features paired with Audiolems. I jist got Mcompare but have not had time or motivation to compare
  10. It probably would be useful on electric pianos to add movement and lushness.
  11. Whoever this Cinaed is, might be snorting quack. Melda aligning with another company that offers lifetime free updates is a good thing.
  12. I will never fume over Melda prices. Even the missteps offer more overall value than most. The amount of control in the turbo versions is insane. I think someone smarter than me could get them to null with just about any plugin on the market.
  13. Never tried this one. Seems like something I would only get as part of bundle or freebie. Does anyone else make a multiband vibrato to compare?
  14. I am not sure about their selection when it comes to that.
  15. Brilliant. Truth be told, it's a non-issue for most people.
  16. I also want to correct a possible mistake. I don't think it was Venus Theory that got falsely flagged. I think I mentioned him because he discussed the issue in a video. The case I am thinking of was another streamer. I will post if i remember
  17. Again to be clear, I am very pro sampling. For the all the years I have been on this forum, I have spoken against those who dismiss sampling as uncreative looping. I am simply dispelling the myth that there is some production secret or skill level that makes you immune to this issue. I think the very concept that there are ways to identify a sample so mangles that creator couldn't identify is a reminder that this is about greed more than intellectual property. Also, your legal license will eventually clear you, but for people like content creators who rely in timely posts, the fight can be a pain even if you win.
  18. Not sure if you have been keeping up, but Ai can now identify one shots and very talented creators like Venus Theory have been flagged. We are no longer talking about hacks who lazily loop as is. You can chop and flip anyway you want and still be flagged.
  19. I'm aware they have more than loops, but thanks for the reminder. Loops are still their bread and butter. It's literally in the name lol. I'm not bashing them. I just found it wasn't for me. As far as the licensing, I believe they have done their homework and they are truly royalty free, but no one has fully solved the problem of AI thinking your usage of the sample you used is not a sample of other copyrighted material using same sample. As for the other features. I found them ok but was not blown away. Again, I think some people love these fearures and I would encourage people test for themselves I was speaking strictly from my own experience.
  20. Another reason I have cooled on sample sites is the licenses are often ridiculous. I have read small print on some samples (including the midi) that require full production credit and absurd split of royalties if placed. When I read one license agreement, I realized that all these vintage instruments, scaler type products and sound degrading processors made it kind of easy to "make" vintage sounding samples. Not only does this work well, but this is how a lot of these sample loops are made. It's actually less time consuming to make samples than to search through hundreds of thousands. With that said, some don't feel like doing all of that so services like Loopcloud are helpful to them.
  21. I pass on it annually! I tried trial and the sounds are good. It does, however, suffer from the Splice Paradox( I should trademark that l); the tendency for the best sounds to be overused to the point where algorithms on platforms like Youtube and Spotify think you are infringing on the other 3,000 people who used loop before you did. Algorithms are getting to the point where they are picking up if you glitch or change key. I would see if you could give trial a speed run before sale ends and see if it is for you.
  22. I realized i had two other ssl plugs i never use and updated those too
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