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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I use Arc 2 as well and it works great
  2. I will now add this to the pile of software I bought because it was on sale but will likely not use. I do use tracks 5 stuff but who knows when and if i will change workflow to include new modules not in 5 and not ready to test if 6 versions of previous plugins will load in old projects
  3. Thanks Larry. The sweetwater one didn't work and customer service was slow to respond
  4. Please Msg me. I will take it. The forever29 applies to three body products too?
  5. As of this moment what is listed comes out to about the same with fee. I will keep looking
  6. Did that purchase have an additional transfer fee?
  7. Finally. The deal I have been waiting for
  8. @Starship Krupa that is why i think the product was kind of a friendly spite offering. The one thing that would give this the most value is if the interfaces worked exactly like the products being emulated.
  9. My Pro's for buying: Melda products almost always punch above their weight class. Great price I have achieved curves almost identical to much costlier products My Con's against buying: The controls are not 1:1 emulation of controls of products emulated. Odds are good you have similar emulations already A value isn't a value if you don't actually use it I'm pretty sure this plugin is the core Melda algorithm re-skinned out of tongue and cheek spite. The founder's interviews and comments about emulation makes me think he's not a fan. There is not a setting that cannot be nulled in mautodynamic eq
  10. The upgrade without any code is about 139 without a code
  11. I think elements of what scaler does are present in multiple products, but firmly believe that it straddles the line between music theory and creation tool better than most. It's useful not only for hacks or beginners but is awesome for knowledgeable people who want assistance with things like modal interchange experiments. I think Ripchord sounds better when playing live chords but it doesn't do snything else. Instachord is better at guitar parts for live playing ( if you have the patience to dive deep), but WA production has done a terrible job of showing how it works in any genre outside of EDM. Captain plugins integrate complementary parts in a simpler way better than scaler but the generated parts themselves are meh. Scaler sits in a sweet spot to me.
  12. Every company is different. Reach out to customer service. I have had reps look at what I owned and received free upgrades to bundles.
  13. Acid ser the foundation for products like Ableton and pretty much the way all DAWs handle loops. Almost everyone bragged of supporting Acidized files
  14. Vega offers amazing value. I love that it has a version of mocha and that it has always had features that were similar to After Effects.
  15. There was a time I would have jumped on this. Sound forge was the first audio software I learned to use well. Ironically ( and mods please let me know if this is a violation since i am just sharing experience with company and not encouraging) . How I obtained software is a funny story. I had a won a contest for creating sample loops . Sonic Foundry was one of the sponsors. They interviewed me and during the interview it was revealed that I was not a legal owner of the Sound Forge software I used. They were pretty chill about it and said a lot of their best customers started that way. They offered me a lite version with a generous offer to update to pro. I bought pro and upgraded every year until the Magix acquisition. One of my prizes was the first version of Acid Pro. I used Vegas professionally for awhile because it had hands down the best audio editing features of sny video editor. In addition it was easy to use and never crashed. I have a version of sound forge that I got from Humble Bundle a few years ago, but I rarely use. My nostalgia tempts me but I own Davinci Resolve Studio and stand alone sound editors are just not as necessary. This is still a great deal.
  16. In a world where over-layered libraries create horrific mix issues, ST manages to sit in mix better than most romplers. I still hate the organization, but at this price it is quite useful.
  17. Bass Master is on sale for only $10. ALL of the expansions are on sale as a bundle for only $12. Bass Master is a steal at this price. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/70-Expansion-Packs/6684-Bass-Master-Complete-Expansion-Pack-Bundle?_gl=1*r4hqhp*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDY5Mjg0MjIzLjE3MzQxMTI5Njc.*_ga_33HHXGVSQG*MTczNDExMjk2Ni4xLjEuMTczNDExMjk3Ni4wLjAuNDY3NjUxNTIz
  18. A few of us have been begging Cakewalk for this forever. The closest they came was Cyclone, which was a decent junglist tool released a little late. The rest of sampler attempts were complete whiffs. I do have some hope since the sampler in the bandlab site/app is decent.
  19. Again, wasn't trying to give you a hard time. I will abide by rules , regardless. Your explanation just seemed odd to me, but as you pointed out, you clearly have information I am not privy to. Thanks for taking time to respond.
  20. I think where there is a disconnect in this conversation is the references to the origins of each program is both misunderstood and somewhat irrelevant. Cakewalk predates both programs. All sequencers were midi then. That was well over 30 years ago and none of these programs are even close to what they originally were. In TODAY'S market the versions of these programs very much compete unless Bandlab/Cakewalk is just basically saying they have no desire to make anything remotely similar to programs used to make modern pop music. Not naming names, but two of what would seem to be Cakewalk's biggest competitors last few upgrades have been almost exclusively catering to sample manipulation. That goes way beyond simple loop functions. The fact that cakewalk doesn't seem to understand that does not bode well, imo. The Billie Eilish's of the world are going to keep cranking out hits on software that Cakewalk cannot compete with as is. Don't get me wrong, modern pop and EDM CAN be made in Cakewalk, but the workflow pales in comparison to both DAWS some here underestimate based on their origins as well as DAWS that many that are more similar to Cakewalk in origin but have adapted better. I will stop now, because I don't want it to seem like I am trashing Cakewalk, especially the free version that was offered . I am just hoping that someone with the ability to act will not have the same mindset as the comments. Not adapting to be friendlier to modern music, Cakewalk will not thrive as a paid product. I hope I am wrong
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