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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I'll be damned. I just downloaded installer and it updated
  2. Another workaround is using soundfonts in Presence XT. I converted multiple drumkits to soundfonts and also some 808 samples, including the grossly overused Spinz 808.
  3. Another workaround is using soundfonts in Presence XT. I converted multiple drumkits to soundfonts and also some 808 samples, including the grossly overused Spinz 808.
  4. I got this deal before but it was version 1. Great deal but doesn't seem to be an upgrade path
  5. This makes a huge difference along with the mai tai add on. I got each on sale for $5 each once
  6. This channel is useful. I figured a lot of this out by the time these were published (like how to cheat the lack of busses with fx channels)
  7. I was able to do quite a bit with prime. Yes, there are better options imo, it offers a lot for free and the limitations are less than what I started with ( a drum machine, a cheap keyboard, a few stomp pedals, a dj mixer,a radio shack spring reverb and two tape decks?). The channel strip is garbage, but I find beginners tend to absolutely use EQ and compression wrong. I find I can get a better results from a beginner by teaching them good sound selection and a balanced mix than I can from them butchering eq and compression settings. The average middle school kid i find simply cranks bass on eq and struggle mightily to even understand what a compressor even is.
  8. For my usage it was. This was for an afterschool program for middle schoolers. No serious mixing was going on. Any of the kids that showed interest beyond the most basic concepts was able to come to my other studio and work on st1 pro or logic. The other kids were introduced to the concept of a DAW amd taught about tracks , how to record etc. We didn't dive into mixing beyond a conceptual level
  9. I found it useful as a teaching tool. It was much easier to introduce basic concepts to my students with prime than more featured. DAWs
  10. The biggest issue with studio one prine for me is the lack of compressor.
  11. I got my plugins to work by following the advice posted, but I find myself hesitant to use them. Losing that weekend left me very unmotivated
  12. I think the most effective way to use AI for myself is to use it to speed up processes I can do just fine in my own but more efficiently with AI.
  13. You are likely right. I think it was the annoying ilok nags every time i started my daw that annoyed me
  14. I think there is some middle ground between being reliant on AI and being a ludite. We use AI all the time but we don't necessarily call it that. Automatic transmission on an automobile is to a degree AI. There are some functions that are simple enough to be automated like initial levels.
  15. These mix checkers are at best very general and not meant to be the final word on a mix. Even within a genre, the "ideal" mix is subjective and will sometimes be way off of what these tools suggest. I do think where these tools come in handy are when you find yourself not able to work with your usual setup (particularly your room and monitors) and you need a little assurance that where you are provides a similar sound reference.
  16. I got this free and have never used it
  17. Kind of what I would expect from an mp3 of a 4 decade old song mixed to sound ideal on vinyl and tape.
  18. Maybe scrub all ik references in registry before reinstall?
  19. This was not one of his better reviews. Because he refuses to read manuals or use plugins the way they were intended he sometimes misses the mark.
  20. I don't mind MTM making our freebie NFU. In general they tend to be pretty generous and Tom is a pretty chill guy. He gave me a freebie when one of the products I owned was discontinued. I own bassroom via the freebie but I may grab bundle anyway
  21. I will only consider it if i get one of those ridiculous sales lol
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