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Everything posted by Helios.G

  1. Hey T, if you don't mind my asking... what happened to @Scook?
  2. I think you're seriously overthinking this. They're a corporation. A corporation wants to make money. They want to monetize all of their user base, not just the "kiddo's" or the "old timers", but everyone that uses their services. They made Next bandlab adjacent, but with some similar functionality to Sonar, so as to introduce young creators to more robust tools. That clearly is in the hope to have them "graduate" to Sonar eventually as their careers progress. All that said, I repeat, you're seriously overthinking this. I make "kiddo" music (pop). I'm not young, I'm not geriatric either. I'm not being catered to in either scenario. In the end it doesn't matter. Make music. That's what all of these tools are for. You don't want to pay? Don't, find another tool, and make music. You're ok with paying? Cool. Stick around, and make music. At the end of the day if you're on here daily fretting about what a company that doesn't know any of us personally is going to do next, you're not making music. I choose to make music, and I come on here once or twice a day to get out of a technical jam or to maybe help someone get out of theirs. Nothing more, nothing less. Make music. That's it.
  3. Hey Max, you're probably right, but since I had to keep working, I found another workaround and decided to move on. Thanks for trying to help though, I appreciate it.
  4. No effects were on the project at the time of the problem, and they were tracked clean, I tracked them myself. Thanks for trying to help.
  5. Whelp, that didn't work either, but it did give me an idea. I bounced down, and then ran izotope rx de-click on it. That worked great. So I'm considering my issue fixed, but in case anyone has better solutions than my workaround, I'm leaving the thread open for a bit. Thanks Jonesey and everyone else who chimed in to help. You guys are the best.
  6. I was under the impression that automation didn't bounce to clip like that, huh, I'm trying it now.
  7. project is set to 44.1khz and buffer is set to 2048. I set it to that for most of my mixing sessions. Apart from that, I have zero plugins instantiated right now, I was just gainstaging and setting up my static mix before I really dug in to processing.
  8. Sorry, no fx yet. I was gainstaging and doing the static mix only, so I hadn't even gotten to that point yet.
  9. I didn't know this, how does one change the shape of the envelope?
  10. It's right at the nodes, no matter where I offset them to, it pops.
  11. Hey Jonesey, sorry to report, no dice. It seemed to help in some instances, and in others it didn't do much of anything at all. I might just end up deleting the offending sections and keep it moving. I can't keep pulling my hair out with this for too long, or I won't finish. Thanks for trying to help.
  12. Thanks Jonesey, I will try this and report back.
  13. Hey Max, I can't share a clip, cause I'm certain the client wouldn't approve, but here's a photo of the offending spot. There are several like this one, but this is the one that I noticed initially. Also, when taking this screenshot, I noticed that zooming in to the wave form made it go away, but when I controlled F the project back to normal, the pops came back.
  14. Hey everyone, I posted this in the Q&A section, but I never seem to get replies over there, so I'm reposting here. If that's against the rules, I apologize to the mods. I dealt with this specific issues a long time ago, but since I hadn't needed to use this again for my normal workflow, I sort of forgot it was an issue for me. This weekend I was working on my gainstaging and clean up on a mix I'm working. Some of the tracks are very dynamic. Usually I'd hit these with stacked compression, but I decided to go in and automate clip gain on some trouble spots. This worked great for the most part, but in some sections there are audible clicks and pops where the automation is relatively close to another node. I'm not sure if there is a way to work around this, but I spent hours getting these the way I want, only to hear these noises after the fact. Anybody know a solution to this that doesn't involve undoing everything? Thanks.
  15. Are you trying to copy and paste within melodyne? I've always had issues with this too. What I tend to do is make the edits I need in melodyne, then bounce to clip and copy paste anything I need later inside cakewalk.
  16. Hey everyone, I dealt with this specific issues a long time ago, but since I hadn't needed to use this again for my normal workflow, I sort of forgot it was an issue for me. This weekend I was working on my gainstaging and clean up on a mix I'm working. Some of the tracks are very dynamic. Usually I'd hit these with stacked compression, but I decided to go in and automate clip gain on some trouble spots. This worked great for the most part, but in some sections there are audible clicks and pops where the automation is relatively close to another node. I'm not sure if there is a way to work around this, but I spent hours getting these the way I want, only to hear these noises after the fact. Anybody know a solution to this that doesn't involve undoing everything? Thanks.
  17. It's not quiet, they had a press release yesterday. The product is officially out.
  18. Try this. https://support.presonus.com/hc/en-us/articles/210040163-FaderPort-Classic-How-do-I-set-up-my-FaderPort-Classic-in-Cakewalk-BandLab-Sonar
  19. How'd you set it up? Did you just plug it in and that's it? Did you change any settings inside cakewalk? What system do you have? Are you using mackie control protocol for the faderport?
  20. I've got similar issues with vision problems. The stark black on black they're going for is hard on my eyes. I have depth perception issues, so editing clips was hell on the new sonar for me. I need clips that have light backgrounds with dark foregrounds, the rest I can work around, but that's a non-starter for me.
  21. And level matching it to the one you're mixing
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