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Everything posted by Helios.G

  1. Yes, mklinks. When I had set them up originally, it worked great. Nothing was being written to my os. I just checked again, and I confirmed it's writing identical copies of the same project to both os and external drives. It's driving me nuts cause I don't like doing anything to the os drive and seeing the amount of gigs written to it is raising my blood pressure!
  2. Hey guys. A long time ago I setup my folders in cakewalk to point to an external drive. I used a method that @scook put up here somewhere where you use a powershell and point to the drive you want. Now that's worked great for me for literally years, but today while working on a session it wouldn't save, and kept saying my drive was full. So I ran a check on all my drives and they all came up ok. Then I started poking around, and I noticed that my projects where being written to both my external drive and my internal os drive. I've never seen this happen before. My last session shows up as last worked on today in both drives in the exact same location. When I tried re-doing the Scook powershell trick, it told me it already existed. How do I get it to stop writing in both places? This is sort of driving me nuts to be honest. Any help with this will be really appreciated.
  3. Hey Ewoof, If you're willing to pay, you'd probably be better off checking out the engineers at soundbetter . com. There are literally mixers from all over the globe, and ranging from different experience levels and price points. It lets you filter out by genre, experience, price etc, so you can really narrow it down to what your looking for. After that, you can do research on people you've liked on google if you want to hear more of their stuff. I personally think it's a good service, but you'll have to try it and see if it fits what you're looking for. Good luck.
  4. Thanks KSband, really appreciated!f Second time here someone's mentioned the bass thing. I've got crap monitoring, but I'll try and keep that in mind for next time, thanks. Thanks Jack.C Hey Nigel, I understand how you feel, and personally, I agree, but it's where people are currently, so I just deal with it. I don't have a following like that, if I did, I'd use my own website. Thanks Deering, much appreciated!
  5. Hey Guys, I changed the post to make it easier for those that don't like spotify. I'll try and keep it in mind next time.
  6. Oh, Sorry about that Jack C., no worries. It's ok, no worries. Hey David, I appreciate the feedback, dully noted, and thanks for listening!
  7. I'm sorry Jack C, I didn't quite understand, am I not allowed to share Spotify links? If that's the case, I apologize, I didn't know.
  8. This is my most recent track. It's latin pop, I know not everyone's thing around here, but I do everything in cakewalk, and thought I'd share. Edit: Made some changes to the post as per suggested by folks in the forum. Thanks guys. Spotify
  9. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thank you Nigel!
  10. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thank you so much Bjorn!
  11. Helios.G

    kissin up

    I'm sorry, I thought I heard a vocal sample of Crazy Train in your song, my apologies. I guess it just sounds similar.
  12. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thanks so much Douglas, I try my best to keep my standards high, but I'm not a pro, I'm just working my way to that level still.
  13. Helios.G

    My New Song

    This sounds very catchy, Like Jack C suggested, maybe some more low end, but considering you only took 3 hours, pretty good stuff.
  14. This sounds very professional
  15. Helios.G

    kissin up

    Never in a million years would I have thought of dropping that sample on a track like this, but not only did you think of it, you made it work. This is very catchy!
  16. Helios.G


    very new wave depeche vibe going on here, good job.
  17. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    I appreciate that so much Lynn! Thank you
  18. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Haha, I really appreciate that! If you only knew the budget I work with! These were recorded on a CAD gxl2200, not exactly the greatest mic. It's actually died since then, so there's that. Anyhow, thanks for the love!
  19. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thanks Ken, I really appreciate that, especially coming from a real pro like yourself!
  20. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thanks Jack, that's what I'm always shooting for, glad you liked it.
  21. Helios.G

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Thanks John, I really do appreciate the kind words.
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