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Everything posted by Helios.G

  1. Hey everyone, I'm building up my new production template and I came across a problem that's always bugged me but I sort of just dealt with it. When I create group busses and set up my preferred color palette, I'd like to save them in the boxes made for this, but it only allows me to save one color. The moment I try to add another color to my favorites, it overrides my last choice. How do you add more than one color in that section? Thanks.
  2. Sorry about this happening to you. This is one of the main reasons why it's good practice to always disable any wifi before opening a session, cakewalk or otherwise.
  3. Hey Everyone/Bakers, I do a lot of vocal editing and production work. For years I've done this all pretty much exclusively in cakewalk (sonar back in the day). I've always had to color take lanes differently one by one manually, and I'd love for it to be automatically done, or at least have an option one can turn on or off for this to be done. Why? Because when you're comping a vocal, especially in heavy, very dense productions, it's useful to see visually which parts of the comp came from where. This is extremely helpful when going back for edits, or the ocasional "re-comp" when asked by a producer. Personally, I'd find it useful for double tracking, as I usually make doubles, and sometimes harmonies from the takes that weren't utilized in the final lead comp. Just my 2 cents, but I think this would be a cool feature to have.
  4. Compressors have 2 basic functions. The 1st is to control/lessen dynamic range. So if you have a sound that has parts that are too loud, and parts that are too soft, you'd use a compressor to even out the level to a more manageable dynamic range (volume). The second basic function is to glue things together and make them more cohesive. Think bg vocal bus, drum bus or the master bus for example, where you'd use light compression to make everything gel a little. There's also a third, but this is a bit more subjective. Some compressors (think vintage, analogue type, and those modelled after them) have a certain tone/character that they give a sound when you run audio through them. In these cases you'd use these types of compressors for dynamic control AND the tone they'd give you. If you're a beginner, I'd focus on the 1st two basic functions, and worry about tone after you feel comfortable with that first. Good luck.
  5. Thank you so much for posting this 57Gregy! This is really really helpful!
  6. Oh, this is quite awesome! So how does one install this? I'm honestly floored I'd never heard of this, lol. Thanks for clearing some of this up for me btw
  7. Hey 57Gregy, forgive my ignorance, I have an mx49, what do these files do exactly? I've used mine to lay down midi and record directly from the synth itself inside cakewalk. Is there something I've been missing or doing wrong all this time?
  8. I use plugins to monitor with Reverb, usually sonitus for these purposes. I set up two tracks, both with input monitoring on. I place sonitus with a room verb on at about 60% wet on the 1st track, and the 2nd track is dry. when the artist is recording, they hear themselves through the sonitus plug, because of the nature of reverb having some natural decay time, it doesn't sound off or unnatural to them, and I get the dry version for my purposes with the other track. I use this trick for a lot stuff. Takes some finagaling depending your system specs, but even for simple setups, this usually works great.
  9. Yeah Tim, I think I conflated mixing to picture with scoring in this case. My bad.
  10. I am not a professional arranger by any stretch, but for scoring Davinci Resolve is what I go to. It's got a daw built in, and it's editing features for video are pro level. Me personally, I'll never leave sonar/cakewalk, unless it dies again, but for video/film I don't touch it. Oh, also, davinci has a free version that is full functional, with the exception of some fancy effects plugins for video. Which in your scenario shouldn't be a problem. Just my 2 cents, good luck.
  11. 100% agree. Nothing against creative sauce, I follow him on youtube, but I was sent to groove3 when I was a noob intern years ago (SONAR PE 6), and have recommended to people new to platform even during the CBB years. They really know their stuff.
  12. Hey David, yeah that's it pretty much. The inability to fine tune that part of the process. If I move it from zero to try and get a tighter sync, I can't ever get it back, unless I remove the region effect as a whole and then start over. It's a bummer cause I think drum replacer, sonically, is better than a lot of plugins that do the same thing. I guess I'm just frustrated cause I've got something I need to get done. Thanks for trying to help though.
  13. Hey Guys, I've been looking all over the forum and the old forums for sonar, and can't find an answer so hopefully someone here knows. I'm working on a project, and have drum replacer on a track. It's working as intended, but the playback is a bit off, but I can't get the sample head to lineup exactly with the sample start. Is there an easy way to get it to zero milliseconds? Thanks. If anyone's wondering it's the section marked G on the manual in the drum replacer section. Thanks!
  14. I noticed I put this in the wrong section, sorry guys, I'll repost somewhere more appropriate.
  15. Hey Guys, I've been looking all over the forum and the old forums for sonar, and can't find an answer so hopefully someone here knows. I'm working on a project, and have drum replacer on a track. It's working as intended, but the playback is a bit off, but I can't get the sample head to lineup exactly with the sample start. Is there an easy way to get it to zero milliseconds? Thanks. If anyone's wondering it's the section marked G on the manual in the drum replacer section. Thanks!
  16. It's funny because I run a powerful but pretty old rig, and windows ten was hell on it. As soon as I upgraded to 11 my rig came back to life. Knock on wood, besides yesterday, I hadn't had to many problems in the year or so I've been running it. I've liked it so much, I'm thinking of getting a newer desk workstation.
  17. Well I don't know how to close a thread or marked things solved, so maybe the mods can help me with that. Either way, I figured out what was happening. The duplicate folder thing is a non issue. Turns out that in windows 11 if you go to the cakewalk projects folder and click the link short cuts to your actual project drive, it keeps the letter c in the folder display. In windows 10, this didn't happen to me. When I'd click through, it would show me the d drive. Either way, it was the D drive, and there was no double saving of projects happening. The other thing that I discovered, which is why I went troubleshooting in the first place, is that the issue of not being able to save because the drive was "full" popped up because of audiosnap. I had applied audiosnap to a section of audio, and that's when that problem of not being able to save popped up. As soon as I disabled audiosnap on that specific clip, everything went back to normal. Anyhow, just posting this in case anyone has the same issue happen to them, and maybe some bakers will become aware of the audiosnap issue. Thanks to @Promidi for patiently trying to help yesterday.
  18. Thanks for trying to work this out with me. I get what you're saying, but in my case there is identical audio data files being written to both. I double checked this. It's not just a folder with a structure that's otherwise empty. Their identical down to the last edit. I honestly don't know what could've changed for this to happen.
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