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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Some good points in there, although I'm VERY discerning with my purchases personally. I regularly pass up ridiculously good discounts on stuff, even if they're only $10 or whatever, purely because they're not the top contenders in each category, or add something very unique. So for me, the deep discounts are very valuable, as I only really buy the cream of the crop, so those discounts allow me to get a heap more plugins for the same amount of money. I do think PA ranks quite highly, but I still prefer plenty of other companies, as they're superior in some categories for sure. For example, while I do like the XL V2 limiter, as it's got some unique features and options, I don't rate their limiters in general. The Amek 200 is good, but I've got no real interest in trying the others you mentioned. Not that they're bad, I'm sure they're at least decent, but I'm well covered. But in terms of having more time for trials, PA happily extends trials and even resets everyone's expired trials at times, so if we can't decide in that amount of time, then the plugin probably isn't worth it ?
  2. It's good to have as an option, as long people don't do it thinking they're getting the best deal. If you could partially spend the vouchers, then it might be closer to a no brainer, but given you need to spend all at once and all the plugins are never all on the deepest sale at the same time (intentionally by PA of course) then the subscription is the worst value option financially in the long term. It makes no sense for me, or anyone that already has a number of plugins from them, as I'll barely spend much with them in the next 12 months at all, but still get to keep using everything perpetually.
  3. Yeah the intro bundle is great for newbies and I think that's Soundwise's target market for now. The bundle wasn't really of any interest for me as I already had the things I wanted from it, or didn't care enough about the others to spend the money on it. A couple I considered, but no doubt they will be free, or pennies within the next year or so. Same with these last two memorial Day offers. I already either own one or more, or don't really feel driven to get multiple plugins to meet the higher minimum spend. Again, for newbies, these offers are still OK. And if there's a particular plugin that I really had to have, then at $30.99 sure, it's ok for not waiting, but if the old vouchers were there, I may have picked up something opportunistically. So far I haven't really been tempted to even use my voucher or buy anything in their sales since their merger and I'm definitely not alone. Across a number of engineers I know and in most of the forums, the vouchers haven't been well received at all... But I pickup everything PA for $0 to $15 normally, sometimes $20. A few rare gems, I've extended to $25.. and have everything I really wanted. For me the vouchers are dead for now, but that has been a blessing. I've picked up a few things on sale that hadn't quite been enough for me to pull the trigger and they've been really good ?
  4. They were kind of already dead really after the latest changes with them.. I'll sit everything PA out for a while until they get their act together again. If they lose enough sales/customers they'll reevaluate, or another smarter company will seize that space. There's nothing I really feel I need from them for now, so all good either way ?
  5. It would be great to see IK improve their upgrade options and actually look at what products you already own when upgrading instead of just one. They do miss the mark there, which is a shame.
  6. They're not particularly bad prices, but given all the great deals I've previously seen from PA, I'm really feeling no urge to pull the trigger on any of these.. I get for some people that might want all 3, with the loyalty voucher they're ok deals.. But PA has turned into a bit of a yawn fest for me lately.. They're more an IgnoreWare developer than anything else for right now, mainly interested in structuring sales only aimed and useful to newbies.. Fingers crossed for a mega sale that actually has deals again.. I miss the old days where PA deals were epic and didn't suck!
  7. I totally get the disk space concern as well, but the way I look at it, is even if I just installed the new Syn2 synths now, or even just the best of them, I will still own all the others anyway from the group buy and can install them later, whenever suits. Hard drive capacities always increase, so in a few years or so, that extra space probably doesn't matter as much.
  8. Yeah I'm intrigued by this one as well and will definitely give it a demo. There's also Acustica Audio Magenta as well which is based in the Manley Massive Passive EQs I believe. I do find some of the Pulsar plugs heavy on CPU, but if it's lighter than Magenta then it still could be a good option too.
  9. IK has been pretty good with extensions before AND... It's much better publicity for them if it goes all the way, so there may still be hope. People talk about those sales for many months, or even years after the event for really great group buys, which generates more sales, but customers are not going to rave about it to the same extent unless they get all of them! ??
  10. I already bought Syntronik Deluxe previously, but decided to jump in on the group buy to pick up the 11 new instruments and add some support ? For approximately $34 with jampoints, that's a pretty crazy price to get a whole heap, or maybe all of the Syntronik 2 synths!
  11. it's generally a fairly safe assumption ?
  12. MusicMan

    Bow to the king

    I'm optimistic.. I like to think that he's made me spend more money on deals I didn't know about, but saved me money on the things I was going to buy anyway, so the poverty ratio is about the same, but I have more plugins and instruments ? With the time saving of not having to read my emails I'm hoping puts me just in front! I fear the figures may not reflect that.. but I'm going with it anyway ?
  13. I always assumed you must have been fed through an intravenous drip so you didn't have to stop posting deals ?
  14. Some great free plugins there. I love everything Valhalla pretty much and hadn't realised that NastyDLA Mk II was now 64 bit. Have just been testing that one now. Starting with the 201 tapes preset I've tweaked that to get a sound I quite like. Thanks for sharing ?
  15. Electrum Core - 50% off - now €24 Almost everything these guys sell is great. For some, Electrum, our all-in-one guitar solution is too complex. Electrum Core offers a much more straightforward attitude. We simply took Electrum's amazing amp and cab simulations and stripped them from the additional effects to give you a fast way to get straight to the desired guitar tone. https://unitedplugins.com/ElectrumCore 300+ cabinets Free-for-life updates Upgrade to Electrum at a special price No iLok, no dongle nor internet access is required for activation. Our software uses licence files to activate your software. You can freely use the purchased software on all your computers as long as you are the user. You can use referral coupon UP9198165 for an extra 20% off your entire order AND it will add €10+ to your account to use towards your next purchase with them if you haven't brought from them before ? PC and Mac, VST/VST3/AU/AAX/x64 Also still on sale are: https://unitedplugins.com/Expanse3D (which is €49 instead of €99) https://unitedplugins.com/3rdAnniversaryBundle (4 plugins at total cost €436 for €39) - Royal Compressor, Hyperspace, FireCobra and Front DAW
  16. Sounds a lot like WUP ?? I do get the peace of mind, but I can't help but think it's a case of legitimate paying customer's of software being penalized and charged further for software they already paid for which I don't like. I Googled to see what they annual charge was currently and stumbled across this old, but likely still current and somewhat humorous take explaining the costs and process even with Zero Downtime ? https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/tw594/your_ilok_zero_downtime_and_you_a_primer
  17. That requires an annual cost for the cover though doesn't it?
  18. I figured you likely would've, but doesn't hurt to check. Interestingly, I just signed up as well and mine ended up in spam!
  19. You've probably covered it, but have you checked your spam folder?
  20. Maybe they're adding TMT to the meters so there will be some variation between them too ?
  21. I like it ? I picked it up the other day with that same voucher and it's not needed, but there's some things I really like. It's got very fine grained controls, so you can adjust the gain in very small increments which is great for mastering. The high shelf sounds really nice. It has a limiter built in, with soft clipping and saturation options including an algo from VintageWarmer and some analogue emulation controls. I'm sure it will be seeing quite a lot of use for me ?
  22. MusicMan

    PSP Twin L

    I use a limiter frequently on bass instead of a compressor and some other melodic instruments. Sometimes even on cymbals. Drums I'll actually more often hit with a clipper and/or compressor instead, depending on the source material and sound I'm after. But I also use them at times on some of the busses, so drum buss, guitar buss, etc. I find limiting at that stage can help glue things together at the stereo buss stage a bit more. They can be handy as a quick check in production/early mixing stages on the stereo buss to see how levels might be changed by final limiting. They're really great for sound design too. So to completely smash a single element, or a dedicated FX buss for one instrument.
  23. MusicMan

    PSP Twin L

    Very different use cases. This is zero latency for tracking, producing, instruments and busses, whereas I generally wouldn't use Pro-L for that. I normally use that more on the stereo buss. This might be more of an option for creative or vibe style limiting too. It's just another flavour ?
  24. Yeah that's not a bad way to be. I like supporting some of the good devs like that too. What sort of things do you normally use the plugin for?
  25. That's interesting feedback on it. Did they add more features, or is it just the way they rearranged things for the PA release?
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