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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. United Plugins - Plugins Of The Week 50% DIFIX Now €24 / Quick AG Now €49 (both 50% Off) You can use coupon UP9198165 for an extra 20% off AND it will add €10+ to your account to use towards your next purchase with them if you haven't brought from them before. https://unitedplugins.com/DIFIX Fix your recording hardware imperfection A lot of sound cards claim to have a Hi-Z instrument input. But in reality, the input impedance is not high enough to make your pick-ups work properly. And that has a displeasing effect on your instrument‘s signal. If you use one of these types of soundcards, you definitely need DIFIX to make your directly recorded guitars or bass sound right. What it does Soundcard's instrument input is not the same as a proper DI-box. When plugging your guitar or bass directly in it your recording may lose brilliance and sound really dull. DIFIX deploys several independent sophisticated processes to level the sound and adds a little bit of analogue saturation as if you used a real DI-box. Was €49 on sale for €24 https://unitedplugins.com/QuickAG Bigger, better, brighter, smoother Although it looks easy, mixing acoustic guitar, ukulele or mandolin is a very hard job. So many things can go wrong. That's why we created Quick AG - the shortcut to the perfect and natural acoustic instruments sound. Time saver The aim of Quick AG is to set the perfect sound for your acoustic instrument within a few seconds. This plugin contains everything you may need to turn raw recordings into great-sounding mixes with a fantastic vibe. Was €99 non sale for €49
  2. That's quite possible too. Both should then change in unison and so equal the same, but maybe they haven't quite coded the site correctly. Sometimes it's interesting to try a VPN or change country to see.
  3. Did you get any unusual taxes applied, or something. It was free for me when I did it, unless it's changed since.
  4. To me it looked like the code HAPPY-BIRTHDAY would also likely work on the full version directly. It doesn't though unfortunately.. just tried out of curiosity ?
  5. Great choices there for multiband and the Lindell is quite underrated. S73 is great in it's own right. For anyone considering it though, I'd agree with Steven, that it's better to buy 1973. The full 1973 also includes the presets from S73 so you can get the exact same sounds, but still have the ability to tweak them. I don't normally look at presets for compressors, so I only recently discovered that. It was quite interesting to see exactly how they had made them for S73.
  6. Not a great response from them really. I get they don't have to, but in the same situation, a lot of companies might, when asked. Even if it was only $10 off or something as token gesture. I'd hazard a guess today it's likely not your only plugin of theirs, so for customer goodwill, it's not much.
  7. Out of all the plugins to have too many of, I think delays and reverbs are the ones! They just have so much different soul and character. So do many plugins, but for me, it's just more pronounced than some of the others ? The standard price is $17.99 when you add it to the cart. If you add the coupon code I mentioned, it reduces it a touch further. It doesn't make too much difference though, so it's not like you really missed out on much of a discount. With JRR you can basically ignore the entire listing. It just gives you the code to be used on the PSP site, so you always get the latest version ?
  8. I bought this and I still don't feel bad that it's free. I think I grabbed it to get something free from ADSR, but some of the 808s from this thing are actually half decent! For free, definitely recommended ?
  9. That's a bit surprising about no upgraded path. in ways they seem very different, but it's all still based on the 1973. Have you tried contacting their support to see if they can offer something? It seems to me like there really should be an upgrade path too. Although in some ways Softube is really backwards with how they manage upgrades... just look at their Volumes... !
  10. Some good points there Brian. They haven't worried me too much, although I'd much rather PA's auth over iLok, but there's no real getting away from iLok now for me.. Good call out for anyone considering the two though as people do feel quite strongly about a few of these.
  11. PSP stompDelay Tape Delay Plugin ($16.79 @ JRRShop with code: GROUP) https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-stompdelay
  12. I think I prefer the SSL Native Channel Strip 2 personally which is kind of in that ballpark. But the PA 9000J has some cool features and is very clean sounding too, although it does include more controls for noise and saturation if you're wanting that at the time. They're both good. Just depends on the material. Neither of them are worth their crazy "retail" prices, but for their sale prices I like both. It also depends on if you like using a channel strip, or prefer to choose all your own plugins. I tend to want to pick, but the strips on certain busses and instruments at times I enjoy as well. It also depends on whether you need another channel strip ?
  13. You need to pay WUP to get the extra "L" ?
  14. A great reminder. For a free tape emulator, this thing is pretty decent and versatile. Definitely suitable for less subtle tape and really making the effect stand out.
  15. It was tempting.. but the temptation didn't last long until I caved ? They both sound great and I'd be happy with either. Personally I went with X-Comp which at that price is a no brainer.. it came with Antares Choir free too. X-Comp is really nice and I like the high and low frequency bleed options in there, which isn't a common feature on most compressors. The adjustable knee allows for more shaping too. X-Valve Comp is totally worth it as well. I did skip it though, as the saturation is after the compression circuit, which means I can use X-Comp which is more comprehensive and versatile and then simply add another saturation plugin after that. I already own SSL X-Saturator which sits nicely there, but also have plenty of options too. I haven't entirely ruled out getting it anyway, but so far I'm happy with the one I grabbed alone. If AudioDeluxe change their freebie, it could sway me ?
  16. At least with the sales merry-go-round it's safe to say they will all generally be back on sale at some stage soon normally ? A few of the main sales periods aren't far away now.
  17. I tend to reach for Fabfilter ProMB more due to speed and workflow, but 1973 is really nice and sounds great too. I like having both options and on some material it sounds better than ProMB for sure. S73 actually sounds quite good too, even though I don't normally use those style of plugs as I often prefer more manual control. But in its space, it's a good one as well.
  18. I suspect that may not be enough to slow down many of the members on here ?
  19. FreqEcho is a great plugin, especially for free, but it's not really that close at all to Hertzrider. It does allow you to shift, but there's no LFO, envelope and you can't manipulate the left and right channels, unless you used two instances with some additional routing. I wasn't familiar with Echobode, but that looks nice too. From a quick look, that would get you closer, but same with FreqEcho, it doesn't appear to allow you to manipulate the left and right channels separately. That's where Hertzrider shines. You can use it as a basic frequency shifter, add modulation with LFO etc, or use it like a swiss army knife to manipulate the frequencies differently on both left and right channels for greater depth, or creative stereo field movement and manipulation. So it can be used as a tool, or creatively as well. Interesting plugin. ?
  20. He does some pretty great reviews and tutorials and it wouldn't be the first time I've picked up some insights from his videos that helped me pull the trigger on a purchase ?
  21. https://www.positivegrid.com/redeem-campaign-email-2022 Celebrate with BIAS FX 2 LE, free for a limited time. What is BIAS FX 2? An all-in-one guitar amp & effects software that turns your computer into the ultimate virtual guitar rig. Get started on building your dream tone with BIAS FX 2 LE (originally $40) – packed with a versatile collection of amps, pedals, and presets to jam with.
  22. But then they only get a small picture each, instead of one big picture ?
  23. That's a good point really.. if it's the same price I agree and will normally buy direct from developers.
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