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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. SubLab XL Crossgrade from SubLab ($10 at Plugin Boutique) https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/9347-SubLab-XL-Crossgrade-from-SubLab
  2. I seemed to have lost all my previous purchases with these guys when they took their site offline and moved to a new site without warning. I raised two polite tickets on their new site and both seem to have been deleted without any response. Will definitely not be buying from them again unless they resolve it.
  3. I've always thought it was pretty great how Reaper does that. The full commercial version is well priced, but non commercial is heavily discounted. It would be great if Cubase and other DAWs did that too ?
  4. I think we've been around too long.. haha.. I was curious about what your "delete" post was so at least that's solved now too ?
  5. I just tried it without the underscore, no space etc and still no go. I'm not even sure I was going to grab anything, but I thought I'd try it on their more expensive ones out of curiosity ? Any standouts to consider that people really like?
  6. I got the same! It should though as I've got the email from them too, so Satya's post at least isn't the problem ?
  7. Although that would be awesome, I think that might be slightly ambitious this time around! I ended up pulling the trigger on it. It is possible, although not so likely they will stack for BF and it will be cheaper, but having it now might open up some nice upgrade pricing for Black Friday too. I quite like it so far ?
  8. You're not wrong there.. they're coming at us from all angles.. Maybe perpetual licenses for audio software will become the analog of the digital world and go up in price and be highly sought after ?? In a business it's not quite as bad to an extent, but they definitely add up there as well. I can't help but think that a lot of the people heavily using subscription services will be like a leaking ship when it comes to finances and struggling to make ends meet, but never really understanding why until they see what they all add up to each year. I'll be holding out as long as possible and avoid subs at all costs.. apart from phone, internet and power ones you pointed out of course.. they've got me! ?
  9. That was indeed the bargain... Satin was hard to justify as I had quite a few (ok, ok... lots!) of tape emulations, but at that price it was unavoidable and Hive is just fun! ?
  10. $79 for Zener Limiter is pretty good. I think that may even be the cheapest it gets normally.
  11. Baby Audio have been quite surprising for me. Some of their stuff is pretty good! U-he I really love. Everything I have of theirs is great. The prices on Native Instruments the other day were impossible to say no to ?
  12. u-he are still probably recovering from the pricing mistake on Native Instruments site not so long ago! (Joking of course, they really only just sold a bunch of stuff they may not have)
  13. Pultec collection dropped it by $48 for me.
  14. Worked for me. I had Bias FX Pro, so this gives me the V2 version, Bias FX 2 but in Standard instead of Pro. Will be interesting to see what the differences are.
  15. That is the risk with going subs and in particular cloud and creating your workflows around it. I actually think that the price for a LoopCloud sub is pretty reasonable to be fair. But they can increase that price massively any time and once you're locked in, it's harder to get out. They might also sell to one of the venture capitalists, etc and the new owners might double, or triple the yearly subscription price. I have occasionally subscribed to LoopCloud (the last time was for $2 a month or something!) but I always download what I want locally and never use any of their plugins/tools in my projects. I might use their plugin to preview and then I'll rip the samples out into their own track. For me, it's almost entirely for one shots and vocals. I use Atlas to search for samples on my drives and as a drum machine at times too. So at any stage, if I don't have a LoopCloud subscription, nothing really changes. I did have to pay for Algonaut Atlas, which wouldn't be required if I went all in with LoopCloud, but that was a one off.. and it's awesome! If I was to quit my job tomorrow and needed to watch my spend, music production wouldn't have to change in the slightest and I'm not reliant on a single subscription, so anything old should just open ? Subscriptions are good for some people, but I prefer to not be reliant on them personally.
  16. It's not that it's hard Bill and it's easy to work around, it's just the comparison to how most other companies do it so much better and there's no additional costs, or storage required from them. It's like if you're buying a car and most other manufacturers sell you the complete car but the IK model car is missing one door! The door would be easy to buy (painful to install knowing IKs installers ?) but more importantly, you just shouldn't have to. Same with WUP from Waves, it's easy to pay, but still a crappy practice by them. Lots of great things about IK and even though their freebies even cop flack, they are really generous in my eyes and some of their software is excellent. This is an easy thing for them to address and bring them up a level to their competitors.
  17. For us newbies to UAD yes, but I do wonder what some of the long time customers think about it knowing the premiums they paid and how that could affect their loyalty! I paid $99 for the Creative bundle, so essentially double, not factoring in the price if someone need to buy Polymax. But I love seeing someone get a win and even though I paid more, I still think it was a pretty reasonable price ?
  18. Now that's how ya game the system! Well played ?
  19. Exactly this. They could turn it into a good news story and even get a bunch of free advertising and promotion by people talking about it on top of them announcing it. It's also good for people where their installer fails to fully install something and the instruments are only half working and people would otherwise have to pay again for IKs installer not being smart enough to perform an integrity check on all files it installs prior to marking the library as installed. I know this because I've seen it first hand once when I temporarily ran out of disk space. IK displayed the library installed OK and I suspected it wasn't. This is part of my dislike of Waves and WUP. It shows they really don't listen, care, or respect their customers by pushing on with WUP. It just shows an ignorance of not listening to your customers.
  20. I remember quite liking their tape years ago and their demos didn't time out, so you could just test them every now and then and not worry about it being within a 14 day period or anything.
  21. Agreed. I've recommended this before and it seems easy to limit excessive downloads and not impact genuine users that need to reinstall on a new DAW etc. There is really no reason not to go this approach unless IK is looking at the paywall to expired downloads as a revenue stream which would be very Waves like and anti customer. The suggestion from HIBI is good too. With how large some of the libraries are, some people might not even have enough spare disk space on their current system and need to pay money just to install it for the first time when they do! Resetting download limits annually, etc should hopefully be the bare minimum though and easier to manage programmatically for the site.
  22. Same as mibby, my understanding is that you don't, but I can imagine it not being automatic anyway even if you were entitled to one. Likely a long shot, but might be worth asking them just in case.
  23. But very good ? I'm just hoping they have a sale while the code is still active. These are personal codes FYI, so I'd imagine single use.
  24. I think there are some issues in the vouchers reliably getting sent automatically, potentially compounded by some of these discounts, but shouldn't have any trouble at all once you've emailed them.
  25. That's it mibby, at $14 it's well worth the email! ?
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