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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Another in the Gas Giants series. Created using Arturia Soft Synths Jupiter 8 V 4 Jupiter 8 V 3 Jun 6 Softube Model 84 Synth (Juno 106) Roland Cloud Jupiter 8 Cherry Audio DC 106 (Juno 6) Mercury 4 (Jupiter 4) Hope you enjoy thanks for listening
  2. Welcome to the songs forum, nice little grooving jazz feel tune.
  3. Rabbit hole achieved.
  4. Another track to just drift too, nice.
  5. Wookiee


    @bjornpdx Is that a Gamelan (Gamelang or Gamelin) patch in there? Nice sounds and blends, this has overtones of early TD. Sweet. Something to drift to. I also appreciate the nod, thanks.
  6. @freddy j You at your best, nice cool blues groove with that little bit of real grit. If I was going to suggest anything it would be just a little more weight in the kick and bass but it is good as is.
  7. Nice I enjoyed that ? ??
  8. This is quite a nice chill tune but would, as many have said, benefit from some interesting ear candy.
  9. They are considered reference grade by some, some companies use them to measure against their own . Are not an unreasonable headphones to mix on and I suspect may actually be better than the Yamaha Monitors if they are HS10 or similar, there is a lot of Hype talked about Yamaha monitors they are a little like Pro Fools, they got given away to a lot of studios to help the hype. By nicely balanced I mean I can hear everything, from the Kick and Bass to the highs of that Harp. The Vocal is not too prominent or to forward, everything sounded gelled and coherent. Can I hear some things that might benefit for a few tweaks to the mix, well yes, but I am also aware I am listing to an MP3 which is not the best format for making real value judgment. Consequently I can say what I am hearing sounds balanced, they content itself is half the battle.
  10. I missed this somewhere along the way, which considering things here is not surprising, it sounds very accomplished here and the mix is nicely balanced on the Adams.
  11. Wookiee

    High Strung

    @mark skinner I listen to the first track very enjoyable I do love well played acoustic guitars, I applaud you sir big from me.
  12. I have heard you humans believe that the stars can influence your very existence. There is of course evidence that the water in the body experiences similar ebbs and flows just like the tides of the seas and even the very soil on which you stand. Busy but relatively interesting mix.
  13. As request watched at 1440 on the 21.9 monitor, listened on my Event 20/20's as the rest of the studio has not yet been turned on so far today. As you say Tom ever song is different and that was different do you think your prayer has been heard? Mix was effective here, I watched the video which is unusual as I normally find them a distraction from listening to the audio. Yes I did unfortunaly.
  14. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    Thank you sir you are most kind.
  15. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    Thank you Nigel.
  16. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    Thank you sir, I just stumbled upon I was playing hunt a bass sound thought Oh hang on lets re-amp that and it appeared. Thank you for your time and ears and kind words.
  17. The stamp of that Bajan Blue sound cuts from my Adam's, slicing on that snare downbeat into my furry brain, jangling around my skull nice one Nigel nice one.
  18. Wookiee

    New Dawn

    Is this Goth Rock? Sounds OK here mix works well on the Adam's
  19. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    Thank you Richard Wright's keyboard playing is an ongoing inspiration to me.
  20. Some of the replies in this thread have been less than helpful and resulted in a ticket being raised. I would remind people the purpose of these forums is to provided knowledge, help and assistance to fellow users or to seek help from Cakewalk support. Consequently it is best, if you have nothing constructive to say, not to say anything. It has also been noted that the OP's request is more a Feature request there I suggest he makes such a request in the appropriate Feedback Loop forum. I note a solution has been found so to stop any more negativity I will close this thread down.
  21. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    @PhonoBrainer thanks for the ears and comments, sorry I am unable to soothe the bloating, I will say no more just don't go bang.
  22. Wookiee

    Gas Giant 2?

    Thank you, just the giant I was hearing too. Glad you heard the same one as I was as this fell out of the paws.
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