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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thank you Michael, interesting your EPOS are they original Epos or post Mordent Shorts acquisition? I have a set of Epos ES 14 pre Mordant short absolutely stunning sound and no real crossover just a cap to filter the bass off the tweeter.
  2. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Sorry David the thought of a Mariachi band made me laugh. Thank you I always appreciate your response and support.
  3. Did you allow branching?
  4. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thank you, an interesting thought experiment or have you actually appeared on the other side, in another time and another existence?
  5. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thanks t I suspect you crossed and did not notice.
  6. If this is intended as a beat for further development then it is probably OK. As a 3:12 song it is overly repetitive, same drum loop some cymbal loop, it needs some variation even break down for time of 3:12. It also sounds like you have applied a tremolo effect to the whole mix, have you?
  7. Wookiee


    Sounds like old school metal I await the finished version.
  8. In an interview on TV Sherman Kelly revealed the rather sinister story behind this song. It is a good cover.
  9. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Thanks glad you enjoyed this Bjorn.
  10. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    You are most kind thank you.
  11. Wookiee

    Mysteries of Time

    This instrument and this music has scope for further development do not let this one die or fade away, do some more on it. You have the 1:35 intro.
  12. Wookiee


    Another nice song to easy my cold but bright Sunday, as noted by Nigel you do ache a great voice and the accompaniment worked well.
  13. As noted I hear the pseudo noise/hiss/vinyl scratch as the primary Lo-Fi element, not sure why it is needed but seem some like it. As noted it is a beat, as I understand the beat genre it is very much intended to be used as a basis for others, or even yourself, to develop further. Mix wise it works reasonable you have a good positive but controlled Kick and Bass. Do you intend to develop it?
  14. Wookiee

    Play The Music

    Nice syncopated pattern on the brushed snare, another furry paw tapping tune this Sunday morning.
  15. Any song that makes the furry paws tap involuntarily has to have a groove. A groove that works its way into the furry brain and triggers the paws to tap along even if they do not realise they are. That Snare really digs in with its persistence, no it is fine it does what it should do, it drives the song with the same push. I like, very cool tune Nigel No I did not watch the video, perhaps I will comeback and do so.
  16. Wookiee


    Very nice track for the background as one might drift into meditation, I like @bjornpdx
  17. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    If you listened to the end then you probably won't read this ?. Sorry but thanks taking the trip.
  18. Nice track, I like the sentiment of his history being somewhat questionable. Nicely done sir.
  19. Wookiee

    A Black Hole

    Approaching a black hole then crossing the Event Horizon. I feel obliged to warn users wearing headphones or ear buds regarding the point in this where the music crosses the Event Horizon.
  20. Thank you sir you are most kind
  21. I enjoyed this, as a frequently do with your stuff @jsg, interesting use of an Arp can I inquire as to the synth it sounds like an as played pattern.
  22. This has been well composed and captured, can not remember if I listened to mark 1, life has been a bit hectic here with Ms W not being to well, no not the lurgy.
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