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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    All Alone

    Enjoyed that furry paws were tapping what more could you want from a cool rocking little number, nice @Douglas Kirby.
  2. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    @thegaltieribrothers thank you nice to know you enjoyed this one, your time, ears and comments are much appreciated.
  3. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Keen ears sir keen ears. From begin to the end, it starts at 60 BPM rises quickly up to 76 BPM at bar 20 then more linearly to 96 BPM by the final bar 118. The new toys, someone nice treated me to a year of the Roland Cloud with an Ultimate licence. Toys used all from the Roland Cloud. JD-800 x 2 Jupiter 8 ProMars SH 101 Juno-60 One of the Zenology FX and an Arturia FX.
  4. @Kevin Perry I was introduced to Hawkwind in a darkened but hazy blue smoky room, the day after they released their first album Hawkwind. I loved it. the next couple of albums were OK but I then think they lost their way a little. I did get to see them perform the Space Ritual twice complete with Stacia. I do not recognise this track but the playing sounds fine, though I am wondering if the reverb is making it a little muffled, but then Mr Brock did like a some reverb. Thank you for sharing, nice little piece of space rock on a Wednesday afternoon.
  5. There is something about the rhythm track and the drums that just a well just... Most of the time the track works and the guitar tone is sweet and the vocal well delivered. nice thanks for sharing, just ignore the opening comment probably my furry ears.
  6. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thank you sir you are most kind. But it does subtly increase in tempo Bjorn, it starts at 60 BPM rises quickly up to 76 BPM at bar 20 then more linearly to 96 BPM by the final bar 118. Thanks for your ears, time and comments all of which are greatly appreciated.
  7. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    Thanks, still getting my head around them as all tracks are new toys.
  8. Woudl it be wrong to suggest you write something new, as fun as this is?
  9. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 4

    New Toys for this one. Thanks for listening.
  10. But it does not mean they will not do a Gibson. ?
  11. Polyrythmic? I like it nice to hear from you @Walt Collins I have missed your music.
  12. Tom it was a pleasure to hear @Walt Collins playing it has been a while. Nice tune up to your normal quality mix standard, some cool composition, all in all nice stuff both of you
  13. This was an interesting experience, thank for sharing.
  14. @Jesse Screed I am with Tom on this, this is one of the cleanest mixes I have heard, still managing to channel Captain Beefheart.
  15. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Hi Walt nice to see/hear from you. Simple answer is yes and because I could ? the main difference between V4 and V 3 of the Jup-8 is the V4 has Arturia's new sound engine. None of the Arturia V3 patches appear to be available on the V4. The actual structure of the synth is different. In the Advanced section The Galaxy Modulation is gone has gone, in the V4 you now have two additional LFO's and a Modulation Mixer I suppose it is the same idea but arranged differently. The Keyboard section now has four curves for Velocity, Aftertouch, Mod Wheel and Keyboard Tracking, instead of just the two in V3. In the effects section you only have three FX with no distinction between Upper and Lower voices FX. V4 does not appear to have upper and Lower voices anymore. It is much more in line with Roland's own Jupiter 8 on their Cloud which has not Upper and Lower voices. I was also making a tune that used Jupiter related synths so I used all the Jupiter or Juno type ones I had. Nice to hear from you though hopefully we will hear some of your latest music?
  16. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    @David Sprouse thank you your time and ears are appreciated as is your comment.
  17. If you seriously don't know get someone who knows what they are doing. Serious damage can be done if you don't know.
  18. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Thanks Bjorn, you are doing some really nice tunes yourself.
  19. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Thanks Tom nice to know it helped you chill ?
  20. Well Paul this one hits the road running, this has a certain vibe about which harks back a few years but it works, mix sound fine hear, perhaps a little more weight in the bass/bottom end to bring it to the modern sound. I liked it.
  21. Wookiee

    Blue guitar

    The guitar on this is great I do think the drum feels like he may be dozing off after a long session in the pub and one to many beverages, still pleasure to listen too.
  22. Wookiee

    OMD Remix

    An emotional vocal for sure, mix works OK here on my Events.
  23. Classic trip in to the realms of Captain Beefheart with Jesse spin, what's not to like.
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