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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Basically it sounds OK I do wonder if the basic beat could do with some variation???
  2. @Starise thank you you are most kind.
  3. Thank you Douglas you are most kind.
  4. That is your dishwasher pre wash Leizer an sensible dog owner knows this, it is also very green saving on water like that. Daryl at his usual lyrical best, the music and playing were cool too.. Mix sounded fine here on the Event's
  5. Nice to know my music helps you make a mind journey thank you for listening and your kind words.
  6. Thanks I will listen to your new one when I get a chance, someone broke her wrist and it has been sucking all my time ime.
  7. Well an atypical Wookiee would questionable, thanks for taking the time to lend your ears to this Ed.
  8. Very lay back close your eyes and trip out, nothing wrong with ambient music. I note your comment about using Kontakt you may want to up your RAM to 16 Gig for the optimum use with that.
  9. Has a classic "Boy" Band sound, (no insult intended) very pop I suspect if the right agent saw this it would could lead somewhere.
  10. Music works well with the video, yes I actually watched the video for once. Good job sounded very professional here on the Events.
  11. Wookiee

    On The Run

    It sounds Ok here on my Event 20/20's Douglas. Classic bit of soft rock to my furry ears.
  12. Glad I tickled your taste buds, thank you for your ears and comment.
  13. Thank you Lynn good to hear you are enjoying this direction the music is taking these furry paws.
  14. Another very Tangerine Dream like track @bjornpdx, which is never a bad thing. I do like this very much.
  15. You seem to have got Rogers acerbic vocal covered. Always tricky to cover such an iconic bands sound. Mix works fine here.
  16. @AndyB01 thanks for giving this a listen and commenting, I hoped the guitar gave an element of cold iceyness.
  17. Thanks for your input I did have it lower at one point but it felt like it disappeared into the mix to much. Again thanks for your ears and time.
  18. Thanks, it's interesting you should mention the bass. Some time ago I got a free copy of iZotope's Ozone essentials & thought I would give it a spin. Shows I should have trusted my own furry ears in the first place ?. I do appreciate your input and ears.
  19. Thanks Freddy I appreciate your ears and comments thank you.
  20. I suspect a nod to the original will do as you are not using a sample. No I orbit over Greenwich UK most of the time, but I to wish you all the best for thanksgiving.
  21. Nice engaging groove which is not forced but felt, nice composition, recording/mix works well here on my Event 20/20's, I like the wanly discord sweet.
  22. Thanks, I am examining other celestial bodies so there will one or two more.
  23. Thanks, I liked them to quite accidentally discovered when the after touch kicked in when I moved my paw.
  24. Mr Giorgio Moroder relives I like that you have taken the Moroder pumping Bass line in a slightly discordant direction @steve@baselines.com, I also like the discordant keys cool song though the bass line might just be a bit obvious.
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