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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Seems there may be an issue with the site.
  2. I assume you mean Region FX- Melodyne, which uses the ARA protocol to move the audio to a separate audio stream in its own window. If you play back the Region FX window you will only hear that audio, it is how ARA works. If you start the CbB transport you should hear everything. Region FX- Melodyne works as expected here. As noted by others this is a Melodyne issue and separate to the main topic of this thread. Which is feedback on the Core product not third party plugins. Please raise your Melodyne issue in a new thread thank you.
  3. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    Oh look what I found, As ever a pleasant track well recorded played and written.
  4. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    And as I said in my very first post, there was "no" link when I first tried.
  5. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    Haven't tried, thanks for asking, been busy last few days sorting the room treatment for my now studio room.
  6. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    At the risk, read what I said, there "was" no active link. That implies when I checked the thread there was not an active link, it doesn't mean the situation hasn't changed from when I checked ?
  7. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    @Supa Reels please don't be confused there was no active link or as now a track to play. Simples.
  8. As @John Vere notes Ripple edit all, just remember to turn it off or you will wonder what is happening if you don't.
  9. If it helps Moog do this stupid folder naming, the solution I found was to force a reset and rescan. I have suggested to their support it ain't needed.
  10. Thanks Steve, untouched from when I first released it three years ago.
  11. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    @RexRed have you taken this down?
  12. As ever a cool production, Sin what is sin? Who defines what is a sin? One man's sin is another man's normality. I will say no more.
  13. "Fake a smile", interesting lyric, nice song, cool groove. I like this.
  14. Not sure a sub is really needed my Adam's have good bottom end. Sounds fine on them. plenty of extension. Note sure there is a need for the pseudo crackling either.
  15. Wookiee


    Overall a nice kool track, my only minor crit on the mix would be the kit is a little to forward for these furry ears.
  16. Nicely done Bjorn-San
  17. Interesting take, have you considered an acoustic Bass, perhaps a cajon for a bass/kick beat. Nice guitars like the slides. Alway remember when I saw them do this live how the initial bass drum intro made clothes move but no sound.
  18. Interesting tune, some elements are overpowering others like the HH to forward and then the vocal sounds like it is in a difference space, It is also very boxy perhaps a little to much reverb and you have done a very deep bass cut.
  19. You are most kind and thank you for the love.
  20. @michheld your post was held due to keyword
  21. Thank you Nigel. Sympathises for you.
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