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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Had to turn it down as it came over a tad hot here, as noted you did not cheat you just were creative. Mix seems to work OK here only on the Event's due to no time to fire up the entire system.
  2. Nothing to play, We can not find this track.
  3. Wookiee

    Who else?

    @PhonoBrainer I will come back when there is an alternate link, the Millennium Falcon's router has a block on Spotify, which is s little strange.
  4. As Nigel notes early TD and Klaus. I can see this being developed more.
  5. Wookiee


    If I understand you that is actually Cherry Audio's Elka-X. I would revisit this but the brown sticky stuff is particularly present at the moment we are having to consider something neither want but is probably far the best. I do appreciate your ears, time and suggestions given the chance I will remix. Thanks Kevin.
  6. Wookiee


    Thanks Nigel. There are some difference between the two's playback engine. The MTPro seems a little more authentic to me, I was brought up listening to Mellotron's Mood Blues, King Crimson, Yes, etc. I also wanted to experiment with comparing the two. You might of guessed the whole base of this tune is around vocal's, with only the OB-E providing some bass, the PS-20 providing the slightly off/jarring ARP pattern, the Voltage Modular providing the surf adding any other sound to it. Again thanks for the ears, time and comments as always they are greatly appreciated.
  7. I do love that base groove that underpins the whole project. Cool Grooving sir.
  8. Sounds OK here on my Adam's A7x's, how low is the sub Bass? I have added it to my YouTube Watch later list, so a little later I will try it on my home Hi Fi system has a Bowers & Wilkins 10" Sub Woofer. Then I will get back to you.
  9. Wookiee


    Sea Sirens Toys GeGorce: MTPro, OB-E Cherry Audio: Voltage Modular, using a generative patch that is creating random gates to trigger envelopes to create the sound of surf. LFO's are used to pan the sound, vary the levels and effect filters, those LFO's are in turn modulated by other LFO's, modulated by LFO's (Yes it does get messy) This patch is in effect autonomous and each mix down brings a new surf pattern of sound. PS-20, Elka X Arturia: Mellotron, Augmented Voices All FX are stock SONAR or CbB supplied FX. Composed, captured and mixed in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy.
  10. @Leadfoot One of my favourites from the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath album, I think this is a good cover, mix sounds good here on my Events, little more weight in the kick would be cool, but it is your mix and if it make your ears smile then it's good.
  11. @PavlovsCat I would avoid any AI stuff if you have little experience with the tools you have, like the basic Pro Channel eq, compressor etc. Learn to use them first. Personally I only use the Pro Channel and a few FX, like delay, chorus, modulation. Be sparing in all their use. With EQ cut rather than boost. HP & LP filters are your friends when creating space in a mix.
  12. As noted above other than a few minor mix tweaks this is a pleasant track.
  13. I only listened to the first mix, which does not sound to bad here on the Adam's. I am with Nigel on the use of iZotope's Ozone. Sometime I will run it through there, then adjust everything back to something way more sensible. If it sounds ridiculous through Ozone I will use Cakewalk's LP EQ and Adaptive limiter to finalise.
  14. Thank you Tom I try (most people most of the time) ? so I am told.
  15. @whoisp sorry to hear about your Mum, I know all about being a 25 hour/ 8 days a week carer. Furry paws crossed for both your Mum and yourself.
  16. Thank you Andy, as I have said before I rarely know what the ether will bring to the furry paws. All I do know is Black Friday brought a number of new toys along with some discovery's about old toys who knows where these will take the paws.
  17. Thank you Steve for your ears and kind words.
  18. @garybrun beware, if your song contains tempo changes that The Bandlab app only supports a single tempo.
  19. As the OP has deleted his original opening post the subject must be considered closed.
  20. Maybe not the place but if it stays civil and does not desend into mindless drivel or sick humour it can stay.
  21. @Bajan Blue Wonderful production, excellent mx, justice delivered
  22. Thanks Freddy, who knows what the future holds but BF brought some new toys which need exploring.
  23. Sounds like you captured , produced and mixed it well @Lord Tim Mix works well here on the Adam's
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