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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @John Montgomery you do appear to have posted the exact same question twice, did you intend too?
  2. True this need for speed is not working out for our Gull. Thanks for the ears and kind words.
  3. @Starship Krupa you could slip edit the clip to reduce the clip back to the original tempo. Hold Ctrl + Shift click on the end of the clip the cursor should change to a double head arrow, one to the right one to the left with vertical line seperating them. You can then adjust the clip as you slid left the clip will get shorter, as will the note lengths effectively increasing the play back speed. You can do this with both MIDI and Audio clips.
  4. You popped up on my YouTube list @Makke had a listen there. Nice
  5. Cool track @Kevin Walsh one of the best bits of music I have heard in awhile if I am being honest. Mix worked well here.
  6. The Brits are lot less sensitive than you might think, even the bible bashers can be tolerant not like certain peeps in the US. As I said before it sounds fine.
  7. Wookiee

    Memory Park

    Pleasant ditty easy on the ears mix, what is the wind sound that floats up now and then?
  8. Always tricky to cover a so called icon, sounds good to me has the vibe he had when he released this.
  9. Wookiee


    Very laid back, nice job, mix works well here.
  10. The poor gull has hit a problem, every time it pulls out of its speed dive it loses control its wings breakup, feathers flying everywhere, and hitting the water at those speeds is like hitting concrete. Thanks Larry for the ears and kind words Speed part 2 is in the oven.
  11. The Gull is far away from the mob, trying to fly as fast as possible. Does the gull succeed or fail Toy used For the Gull Speed Part 1 Cherry Audio Voltage Modular Custom Patch The Surf GForce OB-X x 2 Axxess Oddity 3 Arturia 2600 V3 Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 FX Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor All other FX stock Cakewalk S-Plat and Sonar
  12. Sorry Larry but a Rabbit hole has been achieved. Please keep it polite, it is unbecoming to insult one or belittle a forum member.
  13. It was said within these forums that ASIO4all failed the test, not the Realtek ASIO driver. Again ASIO4all is WDM/KS Windows XP driver in a wrapper to make it appear like ASIO. Required back in the 90's when interface makers were not providing their own ASIO driver, which upset Cubase.
  14. Wookiee

    The Gull.

    Thanks PavlovsCat, glad you enjoyed.
  15. So ASIO4all from Realtek is not the same ASIO4all that other use, strange as the ASIO4all name is copyright protected, which means, to me, it is the same driver, just a different supplier. But I don't care to be honest. The recommendation is to use the ASIO driver your interface supplier writes. Personally if an interface manufacturer doesn't supply their own ASIO driver, then I wouldn't buy their interface irrespective of how many bells and whistles it came with.
  16. Wookiee

    The Gull.

    Thank you, always good to know it tickled your ears.
  17. It also fails the basic Steinberg ASIO test Noel did explain why it was decided to give a warning. Do you know why it even exists? Even WASAPI4all is again WDM/KS why when WASAPI was introduced in Vista upwards.
  18. Because it is a WMD/KS driver from Windows XP in a wrapper to disguise it as ASIO.
  19. Wookiee


    Is this a positional plugin aid? Mix sounds fine here, though there is some bias to the left at some points, both me furry lugs and me meters are telling me that. Nice piece of mellow Jazz though.
  20. Wookiee


    Nice track Bjorn, sorry to be the one, just a couple of things tickled the furry ears, the Plucked? lead in the first minute was just a little forward. The drums/percussion could do with just a little variation now and then. The eastern music I have listened to the percussion section always seem to like to throw in the odd frill when you least expect it. NIce mix though sound well balance in the main.
  21. NIgel has pretty much covered the issues. Well done on trying this.
  22. Listening to te remix, very laid back reggae, mix works fine here.
  23. Amazing what Drones can film these days Sounds fine here Nigel, clean, well spaced mix, well defined vocal sitting in the mix.
  24. Wookiee

    The Gull.

    Thank you Lynn, great instrument the M1, & the VST version is even more as it comes with all the expansion cards available.
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