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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @daryl1968 equally ?? becasue this is what I get when I try
  2. Wookiee


    That was a bit of fun.
  3. Not that I can hear, interesting track, I enjoyed that.
  4. Thank you Daryl, I am surprised at the lack of comment about the title something very close to your heart sir.
  5. Here is a little something that fell out of the fury paws. For those interested this is what I used. My Fender Strat double tracked via a Whirlwind DI Box looped back to my VOX VT 30 and recorded with my Shure SM57 The DI went into a Custom Preset of mine in Guitar Rig 5 and then Audiothing's Space Echo (Roland Space Echo) Arturia's DX7 V, CS 80V Korg Wavestation and two instances of their M1 Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3, and EZBAss Softubes Monoment Bass I did also have some help with the keys as my furry paws are now starting to suffer the rigors of arthritis and the carpel tunnel syndrome which leaves them stiff and painful, so EZKeys helped with some of the style playing but none of the chords selection or progressions. It is also in 7/4 time. I hope you enjoy. For the record this is supposed to be Monkeys I like, in Latin, which is what Google translate says the title is. However if you try it and it says something completely different it translates as I like chat Another English to Latin site claims the translation is Simia placet. Still confused well so am I.
  6. @Kevin Walsh thank you sir, I was not happy with the Drums on the first two releases as Kurt noted they sound a little thin. As a consequence when I found a kit sound I liked the whole thing got a bit of a remix so it is quite likely that the vocals sound a little different. Thank you again for your ears, time and your kind words.
  7. It can happen, thanks for the ears, time and comment Thank you as well Hidden Symmetry.
  8. Better than never, thank you Nigel you are most kind sir.
  9. This is an image I did not need ?, but a sweet tune, well put together, some fun lyrics, as ever a clean and crisp mix.
  10. @Lynn Wilson Thank you sir, I have no idea where they ideas come from they just appear at the end of the furry paws, thank you for the kind words and your time to listen.
  11. @David Sprouse Thank you sir you are most kind, you ears, and time are appreciated.
  12. Nice to see/hear Bitflipper on a track. I like the delay on the vocal what did you use? Production as ever is good, nice mix with space for all, perhaps a little more presence on your Bass would be cool Ed, I like to hear all the bass. Nice job chaps very prog.
  13. Appropriate in the current climate I suspect. Thank you Ed, you are most kind,
  14. Nice one chaps highly amusing as ever.
  15. I agree, I did try to replicate but I could not I wonder how he achieved it.
  16. @Hua Xu Is the Quad Curve enabled, looking at the line colour it looks like it is turned OFF
  17. @DeeringAmps Hope what I just did helps, thanks for trying Tom
  18. Wookiee

    My best song ever

    It can be as there is such a thing as intermodulation, it is why some violins sound nicer than others. The overtones of a violin can reach into the 100kHZ region whilst you can not hear them they have an over all affect on the sound. By all means filter some of the bass from an instrument to let the bass instrument punch likewise filter some off the top of a bass centric instrument to let a treble instrument punch through but in discriminably toping and tailing everything can remove the ambience and air from a track.
  19. Wookiee

    The Maze

    I would like to hear this with the vocals before I say anything more
  20. Have to spread the love so I am just listening to the first track "Shot in the Back", mix works well here, nice sense of clarity, some cool tones, good job, thanks for sharing. If i get the chance later I will pop back and listen to some more.
  21. Wookiee


    It works for me, has the things that make the furry ears smile and say stop, listen you furry lump. Nice one @Paul Bush
  22. Wookiee

    My best song ever

    Would be interested to know how you are mixing this? Not sure if the furry ears are suffering today from something but the whole thing felt constricted in some way. Like you had Low and High pass filters on everything,
  23. As ever @Hidden Symmetry your "test" ? tracks always have a mix quality that shows the polish of well recoded and capture base material. Both mixes work well though the second tracks does sound like it has some more weight to to it. Well recorded, some excellent composition skills, nice one sir, we worthy of the seal of approval.
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