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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. I have to be honest I do wonder how much the actual kit your are monitoring on i..e. the actual cans or the actual monitors colour the sound on top of the colour add by this type of emulation software. But anyway, nice mix works here on the Adam's
  2. Same here??? but is Warp speed truly traveling faster than light as I understand warp travel involves bending space. Thank you for allowing me to undo your college education nice to know you enjoyed it too.
  3. MIX comes across reasonable here as note by some the drums are a little back in the mix but that would just be a taste thing.
  4. Wookiee

    Young Love

    @mark skinner Absolutely nothing here to fault, mix is super smooth and balanced here on the Adam's. NIce playing too with some cool ear candy to keep one's attention. Applause sir, applause,
  5. As noted above the snare is to forward or present in the mix.
  6. Wookiee

    Love is Love

    Pleasant song well sung, mix worked here.
  7. Wookiee

    Reach Up

    Oooooh squelchy funky bass now that is always a good place to start. Nice Touch of strangled guitar. As ever Nigel you pass the mark with your production skills. I like.
  8. Sometimes the time just disappears and nothing get done but I make a lot of very weird noises on the way. Thank you for your time and ears. Warp 5 may be baked.
  9. Me too, thank you Nigel your ears are always appreciated. I cannot ask for more so glad to hear you enjoyed this thank you. Thank you sir you are most kind.
  10. Or the filters are both self oscillating under automated sweeps. Thanks for listening and commenting. Here on the Adam's I am not getting edge but the folded ribbon tweeters are very smooth.
  11. Thank you sir, your time and ears are appreciated. Hey do not blame me they just make good synths, I would also check out Cherry Audio's synths the main pad for all these is their Polymood (Polymoog) which for $29 is silly money. Thanks for your ears Lynn as ever I really appreciate your input and support.
  12. @freddy j thank you sir I do understand there is a lot of twiddling with synths, I am glad you enjoy my twiddlings thanks for the ears and the time along with your ongoing encouragement.
  13. So facing 30 Storm troopers with just my Bowcaster is not being brave? So sneaking on board a Death Star is not slightly Mad?
  14. So I am told ?? Thanks for giving this one a listen David.
  15. @noynekkerthanks, the others are on my Soundcloud page if you wish to have a listen. I do appreciate your time and ears.
  16. I enjoyed this a very pleasant journey
  17. Pleasant enough tune easy on the furry ears. One thing to remember with all VST's 99% of presets and supplie dpatterns are to show the VST off to its best. With drum patterns it is often worth taking the time to par them down a bit.
  18. Well if you will go doing mad a stupid things like throwing yourself and your good lady down a raging rapid. Nice though I did enjoy the tune has your classic touch.
  19. Then you shouldn't really be advertising them here as this is a breach of the forum rules. By all means put a post in the deals forum with a link to a website where they can be auditioned and purchased but no direct link as you have here..
  20. Sometimes you have to move past the technical issues and when you have singer with a voice like this you can. As I have a busy day I am listening on my Event 20/20's, which are not very forgiving on a mix and I am not hearing any issues with this just a wonderfully heartfelt vocal. A round of applause for your son on piano and your daughters very cool vocal oh and the mix engineer didn't do a bad job either
  21. @Nightlondon are you selling these?
  22. Warp 4 around 102 times as fast as the speed of light what is happening at the edges of that warp bubble? Instruments used Arturia V8 Collection Synthi v1 V Matrix-12 v2 V CS-80 v3 V CZ v1 V OBxa v1 V Cherry Audio Polymood CA2600 Mixed in CbB using Stock FX except for Boz Digitals +10dB on the OBxa & Overloud's Breverb 2 as a Global glue Reverb.
  23. Wookiee


    @emeraldsoul That was a very pleasant start to my musical day thank Tom I really enjoyed it.
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