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Bard, AI, Computer Programming is a short lived career


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8 hours ago, smallstonefan said:

I was recently at a product design summit (I have a software company with about 64 employees). We had around 15 people at this summit to work on a new product design. An architect mentioned to me that her 18 year old daughter was a bit distraught as she wanted to become a programmer but playing with ChatGPT she was amazed at what it could do generating code - and she was questioning her career path.

In addition to running a software company I have also published 15 books on coding (all with major publishers). This is an area I know REALLY well. The parent was a bit amused but I said I think she was spot on with her concerns; I don't know that programming is a long-term viable path for a teenager right now.

While AI isn't there yet, it's much further along than I thought it was (I'm spending quite a bit of time on it and we're looking to do some integration with our product suite). This is not a glorified Google search. In fact, that's where most get it wrong. I tell people it's a conversation, not a query, and you have to treat it as though it has some form of Asperger's - where it doesn't always catch your nuances and you have to continually add clarity to the discussion. Those that understand how to ask the right questions are the ones that will benefit the most.

I figured that creativity would be the last thing ChatGPT could do, but I've been blown away but what it can do with music, writing and creative brainstorming. This is going to change the world - and probably quickly - but in ways we can't quite grasp yet.

For example, ChatGPT and things like it may allow us to solve big problems MUCH faster than we are prepared to handle those repercussions. I don't see Terminator robots in our future,but I could see ChatGPT figuring out how to use robotics efficiently and effectively so that McDonalds only needs a few tech people per location. What do we then do with 150,000 relatively low-skilled workers that need to find jobs? The pace of change in the past was such that change evolved over time - AI has the ability to accelerate change in unmanageable ways.

The guy I'm working with right now is going with me to a Meetup group to discuss ChatGPT applications tomorrow.  We've already created a couple of demo apps that show how companies can use AI to augment their businesses.  I demoed a full, working, website that does a few length conversions where it literally took me about 20 seconds to write the correct question (called a prompt) and it spit out the code.  I only had to click on the copy button, paste it into a text file and name it with an .html extension.  The structure, CSS and HTML along with javascript algorithms were created for me in just a few seconds.

Although I can see this as being a helpful tool, I personally am not a fan and am only involved because it's one of his projects and I needed the work!  Our original demo apps could feed the same prompt to multiple AI models to see how each responded (a few performed really poorly!) and one of our newer ones will feature having two or more (currently up to four) AI models interacting with each other.

I've been programming for over 52 years now but I'm not really sure what career choices I would recommend to young people now!  That said, I'm also in areas that are extremely into the woo-woo areas and both have seen and done things no AI will ever be able to do (and what humans were all able to do at one time though it's being "programmed" out of us).  'Nuff said as they say.

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9 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Without anyone coding, there's no data sets. Without data sets, there's no AI training. I feel sorry for the people who are waiting for AI to do a better job when it would take less time for them to learn the same skills to the same level.

people are lazy 🤷‍♂️

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