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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Yes. That may help too. My early attempt gave me two of the extras but both corrupt...
  2. Did you try what I did? I left it downloading showing zero progress for near an hour before it changed back to the install button, then manually launched the update which did download to the %appdata% area during that.
  3. Hi Dan... Second win 10 machine I ran into this. On both machines, i waited long enough and tho the progress bar never appeared, BA eventually showed install again, but the file did downloaded to the bandlab assistant download folder in %appdata% and running it manually installed fine though I had to run BA again to get it authorized. Someone must know which setting to change so that win10 allows it to run as expected?
  4. Thanks again Steve! It was there and waiting. Update ran easy... ...but I still don't know why this was happening. Using win10 windows defender I was unable to add bandlab to the exceptions list. Cakewalk is already there both local and public. I'm sure I can deal with it but my friend is not that computer savvy... so I will continue to look into this each opportunity I get...
  5. Thanks! Good thought. I didn't think of that as I only use windows defender these days which doesn't seem to interfere the way McAfee & Norton often do. I don't know what he's running, but I will check that as well... [edit] I was just thinking... When I originally installed on his machine, it worked fine. Maybe a win10 update issue?
  6. Thanks scook... You're always here with valuable info and ideas. I'll ty this tomorrow if I can get access to his machine or later if not... I did think of looking but didn't...
  7. Today I ran into a problem while helping a friend. He had not updated in a while. i updated Bandlab assistant then clicked the Cakewalk update button. When it reached 100% it did nothing and the update button still said update. I repeated the update with the same result then rebooted and tried again. Same result... What might be happening here? Win10 machine just updated prior to doing this update. Any info or ideas would be appreciated very much... Thanks!
  8. Cool! πŸ™πŸ‘½πŸŽΈπŸŽΆ
  9. I think I remember needing to download (or authorize?) kits other than install the plugin... Check your account on xln...
  10. Timing is everything! I imagine the second hotfix (build70) was not released when you performed the first update. He mentioned it a couple of days ago but it wasn't available until sometime last night/this morning.
  11. Hotfix for the hotfix. Noel mentioned it the other day.
  12. Wow! Am I dreaming or has the zoom on lanes been changed? I just zoomed some lanes and was delighted to find the comp track reasonably smaller than the zoomed lanes.... I hope this is real! πŸ˜‰ Thanks Bakers!
  13. I believe this has been true for a long time ...
  14. I see what you're thinking. Could be. Honestly I installed chrome only to checkout bandlab. Which seems very cool though I don't use it. Not enough hours in my day...
  15. Don't know. But it's not a show stopper...
  16. This was the second update in a row that failed for me and I was forced to do it manually. Not a big deal. Just saying
  17. I posted this issue just a little while ago too. Works fine on my pc... I added firefox to my ipad and it wouldn't work either. Finally managed to connect via firefox/ios this time and post this reply... Something is wrong since the website update the other day.
  18. This is getting frustrating... The other day I was stopped by a notice re:site being updated. Since then I've been having a lot of trouble. Pages won't load, sometimes buttons don't work... I replaced the old link I was using and that helped a little, but something is wrong. Is anyone else experiencing this? Thanks! BTW... It's working fine via Firefox/Windows
  19. Thanks Leadfoot... Exactly the current (new) plan. I discussed this with CCBaby and they have no problem with this. So I'm thinking to name the 2 registrations the same but with "part 1” and "part 2” to differ them. My next concern is the naming on the disk. Can I leave out the part1/2 info in it's titles? How will yes/no affect legal coverage? Currently I have added "Parts 1 & 2" to the booklet cover, cd, and tray. Wondering if this is enough or must I add it to the CDBaby registered title as well. I would love to leave it out completely, but.........
  20. I don't know. I also don't understand the duplicity of sound recordings vs. recorded works. I've received my first replies from copyright but they only say the same things via links... I await further info and will post if/when I receive any...
  21. I could easily make longer songs, but that's not what I want... πŸ™πŸ‘½πŸŽΈπŸŽΆ
  22. All part of the same plot! Now I'm thinking to split the twelve songs into two groups of six. File 2 registrations, then title the cd as a combination of both Part 1 and Part 2 sold as a single package?
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