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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. Any reason to get this if I got NI Komplete Ultimate?
  2. If nothing else, this will probably make history as the longest thread on this Forum.
  3. Not yet found when running the updater in Studio One. Are you a Time Traveler?
  4. Is it me or do all links point to the VI collection?
  5. Aren't they an Italian company. So if they use the local timezone: GMT+2
  6. Stupid European tax scheme. With max Jam Points the price of hardware in the IK shop is only marginally cheaper than at the local retailer.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a DAW that can be run online/in a browser. Mainly to put in some quick ideas. I have a corporate Laptop, on which for obvious reasons, I am not allowed to install my own programs. But anything running in Chrome or Edge would be fine. Is Bandlab the best around, or are there other alternatives?
  8. Does it work over the Slate Digital kHs bundle too?
  9. How are the drivers compared to the Octacapture on Win10? I might be tempted to switch interfaces.
  10. So what will the next tier be 🤣
  11. And last year, there also was a leaflet with some discount codes for various synths.
  12. I so far got the Base T-Racks and the Leslie. I probably take one or two of the tape emulations. Anyone got any preferences? I mainly work on rock and metal...
  13. So hard to choose, looking to get into T-Racks, as I already have more Amps Sims than I will ever use. (Still bummed of the lack of use of my original StompIO in Amplitube 4) Which modules would you recommend to complement the Slate stuff and Ozone Elements?
  14. Probably possible to overcome that by either put in US address or a US VPN?
  15. New Choptones Rig Libraries! 4 new packs covering any musical style Angel Scream based on an Engl Screamer* E335 (94 rigs) Vocs 30C1 based on an Vox AC30* CC1 (87 rigs) Rand Sanat based on an Randall Satan 100W Ola Englund* (119 rigs) Fend Edge based on an Fender The Edge Deluxe* (100 rigs) Introduction price $19/29. Probably a couple of bucks cheaper at JRR and AD.
  16. They seem to be repacking those Pianos for Native Access, Today the New York Grand showed up in Native Access..
  17. IRIS seems to be the Freebie at PluginBoutique with any purchase during August
  18. Did you previously have Komplete 9 (?) or lower? I know the Berlin Grand hasn't been available in the past through Native Access, maybe the updated the library and now it shows up if you already owned it? I wonder if the New York Concert Grand, Upright Piano and Vienna Concert Grand will follow suit.
  19. @ZincT how did you get the $124 offer? I got GS-2 and for me it's still $189..
  20. The official Native Instruments account on Facebook confirmed the release date for Massive X to be the 27th of June (which would mean tomorrow!). Still a bit hard to believe, as they barely have shown anything of the synth.
  21. I found the issue with my code, I forgot to send the CC off message. So it TH-U wasn't recording the MIDI signal correctly. Got it working now. So next up: soldering, and trying not to burn my fingers.
  22. Sorry for being absent. Got caught up in family life stuff. Finally got all the parts, and thought I got the coding done. But I come across one issue : I can't get the patch switch to work. Regardless of the Control Change I assign to it. I can use the learn function to assign it, but if I actually send it to Th-u, the patch doesn't change. Does it work for you guys? Am I missing something?
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