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Everything posted by locrian

  1. Don't get too worried just yet. The comparison between people working in the UK film industry and those in the larger UK population may not be an apples-to-apples comparison. It's not clear from the article, but the 87% who "...experienced a mental health problem..." may be an overestimation resulting from an incresed likelihood of those suffering from a mental health issue to participate in the online survey. The seemingly lower 65% value for the entire UK population, in contrast, is probably derived from the incidence of *treated* rather than *reported* mental health cases. And this could mean that the 65% number is actaully higher because 'latent' cases of mental illness in the larger UK population are not represented simply because no one asked these folks if they have a problem. Just my $0.02...
  2. Just to clarify, can Unify control/modulate *any* arbitrary patch from any VI you own -- i.e., is Unify truly a universal VI/FX host? Also, I take it that this sort of thing is not really new, but what's valuable here is the ease of creating new 'meta-instruments', yes? )
  3. I don't doubt the quality, just the over-use of HD space. I'm down to my last 60 of 512GB and have to be more selective (my DAW is a laptop). Besides, I already have the Waves PuigChild 670 and use it regularly on my 2-bus with good results. Cheers...
  4. Installing just *one* compressor will consume over 2.5GB of SSD space?!? No thanks.
  5. This update/hotfix noticeably improved performance and, for me, eliminated hangs on shutdown.
  6. I'm not sure, but I think I got it from Plugin Boutique a few years ago. I was surprised when I saw it on sale there recently for approx $10.
  7. Maybe this is the sort of thing Hidden Symmetry was hinting at (jump to 3:30)...
  8. I was thinking of trying a few of these out but don't want to mess up my system. By "cautious" do you mean that the installation process wreaks havoc on your DAW? Sorry for all the questions...
  9. Because of the above-mentioned potential malware?
  10. Thanks, I'll check 'em out...
  11. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I currently own the guitar VIs that came with Komplete 12 Ultimate CE, and although the sound quality is quite good, the flexibility in getting the pattern I want is poor. So, probably like most folks, I just use them for inspiration. And that's why I'm interested in the Acoustic Samples' VIs: they seem to allow you to create an arbitary strum/pick pattern. Cheers...
  12. I just watched a few videos, and these VIs seem very versatile and also sound good. Can any owners confirm (or deny)? $99 for all four seems like a good deal...
  13. My update of Synsations started off slow (showing 2 hrs to complete), but actually finished while I went downstairs to make lunch (~20 min).
  14. I already have two preset packs and don't even own Ovox yet. I hope they run a sale on this soon...
  15. I've been spoiled by Convology XT, DragonFly, LittlePlate, MuVerb, Oril River, Polaris, ProtoVerb, Raum, Rev Plate-140, etc. ;-)
  16. The plugin I mentioned (part of the Ozone 8 suite) is also called Imager. I was responding to someone who asked if they could use the Imager in Ozone, so I assumed they meant the full version. Izotope should give the free version a different name like Imager SE or Little Imager (like SoundToys). Cheers...
  17. Thanks, Larry. I tried it, but all the presets sound the same. Oh well.
  18. The reverb doesn't seem to be available anymore. Just flying VIs.
  19. You can also narrow the stereo image using Ozone Imager. In fact, you can specify *any* width you like (in four separate bands) from -100 (mono) to 0 (normal) to +100 (wide).
  20. A few months ago I discovered the SansAmp PSA-1 in my collection of plugins while looking for something to fix a poorly recorded guitar track and this was the only one that worked. It produces some really unusual sounds. I had forgotton I installed it.
  21. I use the Ozone Imager on my 2-bus for exactly this purpose and it works great.
  22. Yes, I agree. And that's why I don't understand all the grief about WUP. If your plugins continue to work after your support expires, who cares what they charge for WUP.
  23. Just curious, why all the anxiety over the WUP? Is it really necessary that you purchase an update plan after your 'free' year of updates expires? Why not just take a pass? In all the years I've been buying plugins, I don't recall even one that became incompatible with the DAWs I use (the obvious exception was the transition from 32 to 64 bits). Has it been the case that Waves plugins in particular become incompatible over time? If not, I'll just continue using my current plugins without paying for the WUP.
  24. Definitely different styles, but I've learned a lot from both of them. There are so many really talented folks putting out how-to videos today that you could spend your entire day just learning. So my strategy is to watch one in the morning and then put the new info to work in one of my mixes before it's lost. It's hard to believe that I once made music with just a 4-track Tascam Porta One and no Internet. How primitive!
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