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Everything posted by locrian

  1. Personally I'm waiting for it to drop to $29. If it does, I'll definitely buy it and put the four preset packs (as well as future ones) to work! I own VocalSynth 2 but only use it occasionally because, to my ears, the effects are a bit extreme in that they're not very musical. I'd put them in the 'ear candy' category. On several occasions I've applied them to vocal tracks (b/c initially they sounded cool) only later to dial-down the effect strength and then, in many cases, remove them completely and replace them with something else. Ovox, judging from the videos (I haven't tried the demo yet), seems like it would be used more often and in a wider array of songs. Just my $0.02.
  2. Stutter Edit and BreakTweaker (Expanded) were recently heavily discounted at Plugin Boutique as well. I wonder if other iZotope plugins will follow this trend. Thus, is this just a one-time strategy to drive traffic to their site, or maybe a longer-term approach designed to keep up with their competitors who have adopted a $29 price-point (and, as a result, are draining business from iZotope)? I really wish this type of intense competition would exist in the *broader* economy which is now dominated by one giant, monopolistic multi-national corporation per sector. I'm glad Adam Smith is not around to see how things have turned out. ☹️
  3. We're witnessing the birth of a new marketing scheme: give away a sufficient number of free presets to induce you to buy the corresponding plugin.
  4. Using the $20 off of $50 promo combined with the WINTER2020 coupon code allowed me to knock-off two of the plugins on my Waves wishlist: Abbey Road Vinyl and Scheps 73 for $34 ($17 each). You can get a similar deal at Everyplugin.com.
  5. I only used their presets. They have a sort of epic quality to them and don't sound like any of my other synths. I'm not sure what type of music you write/play, but it might be worth listening to a few presets. Cheers...
  6. Yes, I changed it back again; for the third time. Maybe it was a wierd glitch.
  7. Certainl Certainly a cool-looking plugin. The fluorescent display reminds me of my Triton.
  8. Someone keeps changing my display name. ? Is one of the moderators responsible? Or maybe we just crossed the Singularity and it's AI having fun?
  9. Several years ago I got this one free from MF. I've used it in many tracks. It's nastily unique.
  10. I'm holding out for $29.99 - definitely. ?
  11. Very pleased with my two choices: Lindell Audio 80 Series and LION. ?
  12. Hmm, just tried the demo and was not as blown-away as I thought I would be. Maybe it's the reduced sound-quality of the demo's (highly-compressed) samples. It just seems more exciting when John plays it. I certainly see the potential here; just not yet sold. I think I've been afflicted with BGAS (blunted gear affect syndrome) brought on by years of hearing all the amazing VIs out there. It's like slowly losing your hearing. ?
  13. Man, these patches are really expressive (even on my tiny phone speakers). Can't wait to try the demo.
  14. It's the human way. Well, the time is gone, the post is over, Thought I'd something more to say. ?
  15. Don't get too worried just yet. The comparison between people working in the UK film industry and those in the larger UK population may not be an apples-to-apples comparison. It's not clear from the article, but the 87% who "...experienced a mental health problem..." may be an overestimation resulting from an incresed likelihood of those suffering from a mental health issue to participate in the online survey. The seemingly lower 65% value for the entire UK population, in contrast, is probably derived from the incidence of *treated* rather than *reported* mental health cases. And this could mean that the 65% number is actaully higher because 'latent' cases of mental illness in the larger UK population are not represented simply because no one asked these folks if they have a problem. Just my $0.02...
  16. Just to clarify, can Unify control/modulate *any* arbitrary patch from any VI you own -- i.e., is Unify truly a universal VI/FX host? Also, I take it that this sort of thing is not really new, but what's valuable here is the ease of creating new 'meta-instruments', yes? )
  17. I don't doubt the quality, just the over-use of HD space. I'm down to my last 60 of 512GB and have to be more selective (my DAW is a laptop). Besides, I already have the Waves PuigChild 670 and use it regularly on my 2-bus with good results. Cheers...
  18. Installing just *one* compressor will consume over 2.5GB of SSD space?!? No thanks.
  19. This update/hotfix noticeably improved performance and, for me, eliminated hangs on shutdown.
  20. I'm not sure, but I think I got it from Plugin Boutique a few years ago. I was surprised when I saw it on sale there recently for approx $10.
  21. Maybe this is the sort of thing Hidden Symmetry was hinting at (jump to 3:30)...
  22. I was thinking of trying a few of these out but don't want to mess up my system. By "cautious" do you mean that the installation process wreaks havoc on your DAW? Sorry for all the questions...
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