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Everything posted by pwal³

  1. all the best songs are playable on an acoustic guitar pffft
  2. a modern psych classic, that album 🧬
  3. Not sure if new old stock would autorize to the servers properly. only bandlab can answer this quesiton
  4. plenty of those around https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=aibMXbCmMc3ewAKJrLWYAg&q=+LA2A+clone+vst&oq=+LA2A+clone+vst&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30j0i333l2.1436.6832..7150...3.0..0.70.465.8......0....2j1..gws-wiz.......0j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i30.b1iOSyxqaCg&ved=0ahUKEwiwg82pxeflAhVNL1AKHQlWDSMQ4dUDCAU&uact=5
  5. keep an eye out, the full set of nomad factory stuff goes on sale regularly, for as little as fifty bucks
  6. doesn;t the whole world already have all the BT stuff??
  7. 3rd party seller, probably not legit, bandlab bought up the rights to cakewalk software and have only released CbB so far, and cakewalk (te comapny) licensing prevented reselling, but good luck!
  8. no, the only thing available right now is cakewalk by bandlab, none of the previous offerings from cakewalk (the comapnY) are avilable for new users
  9. off to see this guy on friday warnoing - not prog!
  10. quick test: *****, fanny, bum, fark, *****, *****, shit, bugger, *****, piss, fart
  11. the ***** in my was "s e x" (without thew quotes or spaces) don't know why it got censored? here's anoter great cover by this mortal coil
  12. same, the majority of my reading of papery things is in the bath these days
  13. pwal³

    Zoom R16 Issue

    recent windows update bork the drivers maybe?
  14. i think you hit the nail on the head here - there's only so much that can be done with the resources available
  15. beware that the "shared utilities" will be changed by installing cbb - unistalling either sinar or cbb will imapct the other
  16. not really "solved" but worked-around
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