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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Not sure if its a bug, I hardly make use of this feature. Mix recall resets everything except the gain knobs/controls.
  2. I want to be sarcastic with this one 😂 but i wont. With laptops theres no way to get around this unfortunetly. Even condenser mics picks up the A/C in your studio including other noises. Because its a built-in mic the motor of the fan vibrates through the casing/chasis of the laptop in to the mic creating the hum and air noice you hear, even when its quiet to the naked ear - considering where the mic sits and fan is located in that tiny case. If this was with outboad gear, I wouldve suggested you check all wall sockets for earth leak related issues and even in your cables, but - yeah: There's no way to avoid/isolate/remove these noises within a laptop. Grab yourself the BM-800 condenser mic kit for as little as $8. Its crazy how decent this mic sounds for its price - that's why it's so popular amongst the youth and podcasters on youtube today.
  3. Ouch! • When automating one channel in the Sonitus Delay manually - automation introduce clicks and pops. • When automating one channel in the Valhalla delay it starts in stereo on replay. • Same clicks and pops with the Manny delay when automating one channel. So basically when you're creating a mono out to stereo | or | a longer time delay in on channel - theres bugs. Yikes! It even exports with these sounds too.
  4. I can give you a lot of reasons. So i will start by saying - it affects the FX bin. In the world of creativity - you only want have a little bit of drive on the Compressor or only the EQ because you want your compressor clean or an uncolored EQ sound. This is where using a compressor with a built-in drive or an EQ with a built-in drive comes handy as this only affects the compressor an not the entire chain. It is most commonly used in HIPHOP, EDM, Heavy Metal and certain Rock styles especially where the use of "Autotune" on vocals and heavy hitting 808's are prominent.
  5. What? Dude, you're missing out big time on your 808's and vocals with this feature. Download buy the W2395c EQ by Fuse Audio Labs. Theres the Scheps 73 EQ and SonEQ by Sonimus as well. Just to mention a few. Theres great freebies too with this built-in. You get compressors with a built-in drive knob as well.
  6. Sure. Vote or your topic on a weekly basis, so people can see it.
  7. Aw man! Do you need a box of kleenex? Crying over spil milk when you do not understand hour zoom levels! Best that you educate yourself on how resolutions work! Seeing that you think i was "RUDE." Go do an eye test. We cant repeat the same thing over and over to you. This is by design to tell you that there is information on the clip. These dots does not "disappear" with a higher resolution monitor at "low zoom." "Hey dude . . ." Go and read everyones answers again. I've explained this now so that even a grade 1 kid would understand it. It was said and i will quote is for you This is not a BUG. It works just right here.
  8. @IgoRr You not gona bump this up to keep it alive? ☺
  9. I believe this was possible in X1 LE and X1 Producer. It got removed when x2 dropped at our doors. I think theres still a video on Youtube about this. It was called "Split track" or so . . . It was mainly to create a drum matrix as one clip, but you could create a stereo track too. I think the lane section took its place. Let me dig a little. Maybe the feature has been tucked away and forgotten about. EDIT: I remember now . . . There was a merge feature for both the track and clips.
  10. What you are looking is called a "De-esser" plugin. It tames the harshness of these plosive sounds - all eight of them in the english language. The best free De-esser in my opinion is from Analog Obsession - called: Analog Obsession Loades. DOWNLOAD LINK: They also have a ton of free plugins to choose from. https://www.patreon.com/analogobsession My second option for beat free pluvin bundles that includes a De-esser, is the melda fx bundles. https://www.meldaproduction.com/effects/free "DE-ESSERS" makes life so easier.
  11. The things that has been on repeat in this forum. Its only the melody that changes - the lyrics are same.
  12. Those dots are there to tell you that theres information on that track. Its a helpful visual feature.
  13. Not really. If it doesnt need any form of EQ why use one. Also, one should not be using a hipass on every track. Its one of those tweaks you need to lookout for. Think i'm lying? Well, test it for yourself and keep an eye on your reading. Hipass bump up the volume on the band depending on your slopes. If you havw good monitors and a tuned ear - this will be highly noticable. So every single time you hipass you raise the peak level. Lower a volume slider or gain wont help much the peaks will still hit the ceiling. This is where a lowshelf is your friend. If theres nothing in the bottom region - why use a hipass and ruin the track? Best advice i can give right now, learn how level Peaks, RMS (root means square) and Dynamics work. Read up on some articles from well-known people. (Apologies to John) Not to downplay Cactus Music channel or walk all over his tutorials, you can learn a lot from his videos and obviously because John is a great guy, but dont read to much in to youtube videos. People there just tell you how they do things and not really tell you why or give you the technical side of things. Your levels might just be perfect, but your peaks are screaming as its hitting the ceiling. So equipt yourself with just the basic of knowledge in mixing and setting up mic levels with techniques too and invest in some decent "Flat" monitors that actually exposes these things to you.
  14. It works in with both Shift and Ctrl seperately in increments here.
  15. I prefer the auto crossfades. It makes life easy. Maybe just have an extra option to auto remove while holding down a key?
  16. Will.

    Resolution size option.

    I was actually thinking of buying a 27" but decided not too. It would've been big for me. I've hooked up CbB in the studio and at 4k on a 27" ultrawide Full HD - things were too small even at 1 meter away, though my desk is 1.5 meter in its vertical length which is a perfect distance for the sweetspot away from my monitors. The main studio is in my backyard. So, I just wanted an extra monitor to hook Cakewalk up in the extra room I use in the house. So the 24" monitor turned out to be a perfect fit and match for The Cake so far.
  17. Perhaps its not 48000 compatible. Try running it in 44100.
  18. What's wrong with the period (.) dot/point - what ever it's called in different parts of the world.
  19. Will.

    Resolution size option.

    I finally bought that extra monitor. 24inch at 1920x1280 and you're not wrong. It is right there on the edge, yikes. Almost like a perfect fit.
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